Nov 18, 2010

Can't Believe I'm Saying This

I can't believe I am saying this, but ... we finally did it.

We finally set up a stupid Facebook account.  We, meaning Josh and myself together.  We set up a joint account cuz neither of us is real sure we even want to be on that grid so we just made one together to test the waters, to be less detectable to the general public.  And we really only did it because Josh can't seem to wait til next year like I have been trying to put it off til.  And then Noah put me in time out for saying "stupid" as well he should have.

You would not believe how anxious I am about it.  About the slippery slope it can be, though we swear we have safeguarded ourselves from that.  We pretty much expect to only use this account as a way to see what we'd like to stay updated with amongst people we care about and are already in contact with.  Other than that, we'll  almost not be there at all.  We don't plan on maintaining a page or anything.  We love keeping all that on the blog too much already. 

I'm nervous about hurting people's feeling when we don't accept their invite.  We just can't give our time to people we haven't had in our lives in years and years.  Then again, we don't want to be unfriendly - that's not Christlike. But we have to be realistic about our time ... and about how hard it will be to look away once we do have access to tons of interesting but unnecessary stuff about people we once knew but don't know anymore. 

Oh my word, I am so anxious about this.

But yeah, like I said, we are on FB now - joshandkimberly brown.


Amy Faye Brown said...


Emily said...'s really not he devil you think it is...but at least you're not living in the dark ages anymore :) Most people communicate this way our SS updates, and whatever other group you're a part of. You make it what you want it to be. And sounds like you already know what you want it to be, so there's really no need being anxious.

Kimberly said...

I know...first the blog, then the iPod, now finally FB. I figure I'll finally pick up an iPhone in 10 years.

Laura Koslowsky said...

LOL! I just commented on your page before I came here to read this :) Welcome to FB. Don't let yourself get too addicted.

Unknown said...

You're so funny. It's really not that bad. I love it and once you figure out how to block people and all the security features, you'll feel more comfortable using it. I've been able to connect with people I haven't seen in 15 or so years. Gosh I'm old!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Just the other day I wondered to myself if you had a facebook page and then decided that it didn't really matter because I'd much rather communicate and keep up this way than through FB. I guess now I have the answer to my question, huh?

Facebook is somewhat of a beast in our world... I've made HEAVY use of the block this or that ability because I can't live (mentally) in 2 worlds. It just made me sad to see all my friends making plans to get together knowing that I was just an outside observer to all their fun. We also find facebook to be a bit odd because it's the place where all our worlds and the people in them overlap... and sometimes we just don't know what to do with that reality.

Kimberly said...

Oh my word, Elizabeth, you said it exactly how it feels to me. Now granted, we have only been on FB for a day, but already we know we prefer the blog, email, and real time friends as opposed to this other world of FB interacting. You describing it as trying to live mentally in two worlds said it so much better than I could find words for as Josh and I discussed it last night. And like you, I'm unconvinced that I need to make time in my brain and my day and my babies' lives for managing two worlds. It already feels distracting, overstimulating, and full of chatter-chatter-chatter that makes me dizzy to try to attend to.

This definitely marks me as an old soul, I think. I'm just not cut out, or all that interested, in keeping up with the rat race that I observed in FB after just one day.

Time will tell if I can make a way for this to mesh in my world so my little brain can make sense of it. But so far, I am not so sold on taking part. (Josh jokes that as soon as he finds the eject button, we'll be back out.) :)

Emily said... are "liking" like a TON of stuff on FB now. I think you're getting into it :) hehe. I knew you would.