Nov 19, 2010


I got a little crafty this week and made several wreaths after seeing similar ideas on different blogs.

This one's my favorite and is headed for our front door as soon as we get back from Thanksgiving at my sister's.  The frame beneath the garland used to hang in Anna's room but wasn't used after her upgrade.  So I love this idea even more since it put that thing to good use.  

I made two of these and they will hang on each side of our mailbox.

I am not really diggin' this one so much.  There's just something missing though I can't say what.  And Josh and I think adding anything more would just make it worse. Eh...We'll see where this one's headed.  Maybe I can take it to my sister's for our White Elephant gift exchange.  :)


Amy Faye Brown said...

How sad is it that my favorite is the one you want to use as a Dirty Santa gift?

Kimberly said...

Don't say that if you don't mean it cuz I am so cool with bringing it to FL for you instead.

Emily said...

lol! Thanks Kimberly...I forgot about the dirty santa! I am in the process of cleaning out/up our house for everyones visit, so now is the time to find some dirty santa gifts...except I have a differing opinion on how we do the kids....I accidentally just bought them something...but it's not really "dirty" santa at all. OH well. We'll figure it out when you get here.

Amy Faye Brown said...

it' cute! but don't hassle with bringing it

Kimberly said...

ha! poor red wreath ... I can't even GIVE you away. :)