Nov 23, 2010

Off the Top of my Head

Did I ever say here that I am off the Ambien now.  Have been for awhile - months actually.  And it's just the coolest thing to me.  My doctor suggested a different approach to my insomnia and I am always up for a new solution.  So she put me on a low-dose anti-depressant and it worked like a charm.  I don't know how or why it works even though she did explain it to me and drew pictures of how the brain and sleep-related chemicals function and how the Welbutrin would balance those things.  That's all well and good, I guess.  I am just thrilled to be able to feel drowsy at night again and to have my brain be able to turn off and drift into slumber like a normal person again.  It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. 

We found a Christmas tree we actually liked this weekend for a price we could actually afford and it just made our day.  We haven't decorated it yet, but I don't mind just looking at the pretty little lights for now.  I love this time of year. 

Anna has been in MDO since mid-August.  That's 3 months.  And in that time she has had 7 different teacher switches.  Kinda ridiculous.  It's enough chaos already. So today we are telling the director we're withdrawing her.  And I'm not really bummed about it at all.  MDO is not as critical to me now as it was when Noah and Anna were babies.  It's so freeing to let another line-item in the budget go and to realize I won't even miss it.

We're hitting the road today for Thanksgiving at my sister's in middle GA.  We're so glad to get ahead of the holiday traffic that will be on the roads on Wednesday.  We're not looking forward to the hot weather that will apparently still be going on there, but what can you do?

Anna just discovered that she can see her reflection in a spoon.  She is quite amused.

I'm looking forward to seeing Harry Potter  with my sister this week.  I'm also so excited about the Auburn-Alabama game on Friday.  War Eagle!

I am making a new dessert recipe this week that is dangerously delicious.  I first tasted it at MOPS and I practically wrestled my friend to the floor to get a copy of the recipe.  If all goes well, you will be thanking me for posting it here next week.  Oh. My. Word.  Duhlicious.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful time with your sissy! That is crazy about Anna's teachers. I would do the same for sure. Glad you were not depending on it.

Happy TG!