Nov 6, 2010

Anna Lately

Stop by our house any ole time you like.  I bet you money that Anna will probably be wearing several, if not all, of the following accessories:  tutu, fairy wings, clicky-clacky shiny white over-sized dressy shoes, crown/hat, barrette, bracelets, socks on her hands, and a fairy wand.  If she could get the cape on over the wings, too, she would.  Trust me.

Like I said in Noah's post, if you don't keep her in check, she rides a really unattractive wave of entitlement in all things.

Josh says she's becoming an adrenaline junkie.  For now, it's all about making herself dizzy.  She'll run around, twirl around, spin around in your arms and then grinningly call out, "Diddy!" (dizzy), and then do it again.

Her idea of dancing now is jumping up and down when music comes on or when she is excited.  And really, this is a step up in the musicality department for her.  Before now, she has had no response or even acknowledgment when music comes on.

Anna really only interacts with Chewie when she's feelin' bossy.  Commands she gives him are: Hush, No, Stay There, Bark, Down. 

She gets so engrossed in TV that she'll watch an entire 30 minutes at a time standing up in front of the screen.  She'd be a total couch potato (except standing) if we let her.  She loves TV.

She's lost interest in using the potty.  That's ok for now.  I figure I'll go all in on that milestone when warm weather comes back around.

Nothing melts my heart lately like her pretty, pouty pink lips all tight in a pucker while she chews and works food around in her mouth.

Anna is showing signs of an impatient temperament.  And she gives up quickly on things, giving way to an impatient outburst.

She's really light on her feet.  Now that we've taught her to get out of bed on her own, it's a bit creepy when you by chance spot her standing at the top of the stairs, or halfway down even, staring at you.  She gets around so silently!  

Recent faves from Anna speak:  "More cream cone" when she wants more whipped cream on her pancakes, or foam soap in the tub.  It's all creamish, so it must be ice cream, hence the cream cone.  "Odor! Odor!" which means "over" as in, "My TV show's over -quick start another!"  She pulls my hair on each side in front of my face and says, "Curt-ih!"  (curtain).  She says a totally adorable "poontin" which is pumpkin.  She calls Noah "Oah" now.  And she asks what we're doing a lot, too.  "Eh doin'?"

She's still big on fake crying (all high pitched and hmp, hmp, hmp, hmp like) to draw sympathy or attention.  Poor girl, all it gets from Josh and me is laughter.  Smitten laughter, but laughter just the same.

She's so smart.  Quick minded.  Regularly has a new word in her mouth for so many things. Remembers everything ... except to stop climbing on the kitchen cabinets.

She needs a good daily dose or 5 of being held close.  It's downright delicious to deliver, I'm not gonna lie.  It's just so pleasing to hold her tiny frame close when she is so still and resting her head on your shoulder.

She just started tolerating singing.  I do ABC's with her and an altered You are My Sunshine.  On the ABC's she chimes in with 2 letters only in repeated succession - B, D, B, D, B, D.

Anna snubbed her Power Wheels Barbie Jeep in favor of Noah's T-Rex 4-Wheeler.  What was interesting to observe about this is that the steering is what made the difference.  She naturally steers with the handlebars quite easily and accurately, whereas with the actual steering wheel on her Jeep she can't figure out how the round motion translates into turning left and right.  She ends up not steering at all and running into bushes and mailboxes.  Some would say she drives like a woman. :)

The. Bed. Head.  Ohhhh, the bed head.   Scary.


Emily said...

first is that curly hair I see on Anna??? Whoa...she could've been a pirate too with that do.

Emily said...

I totally understand the entitlement...I'm wondering now if Brooklyn at that age was a bit more entitled, but we didn't notice it. Interesting. Natalie's the same way...

Good job on singing to her! She'll be a singing pro in no time!

Sweet anna, I can't wait to see her in action!

Kimberly said...

So funny you say she should have been a pirate. I was going to borrow one from a girl in the meetup group, but she never remembered and then I was over it. But yeah, I was totally down with her being a pirate with him.

Brooklyn, assertive and entitled at two? Uh, yeah, that's a roger! Don't be mad, but sometimes when Anna does that entitled stuff, we call laugh and call her Brooklyn. hee hee hee.

Emily said...

what?! She was so not only thought so because Noah would take her toy and we'd make him give it back.....or something like that :) LOL.

Kimberly said...

Here's how that just went:

Emily - Yeah, I think Brooklyn was like that. I just couldn't see it.

Me - Yeah, I agree she was.

Emily - What? Are you crazy? Not MY daughter!

Me - laughing out loud!

Emily said...

Well it's because now I have Natalie to compare to now...and if anyone thinks she entitled to's Nat...never Brooklyn. Brooklyn has to fight for everything she gets.

Amy Faye Brown said...

We're so excited that we get to meet this precious princess live and in person for the first time this week and all her overdone mismatched accessories too!

Kimberly said...

Emily - sigh.

Amy - So glad you like that plan because Josh is sooo bringing her girly stuff. :)

Unknown said...

Anna makes me smile! I wish I could meet her (and Noah too). The thought of her standing at the top of the stairs gives me goosebumps. Just wait until she comes to greet you at your bedside and is just standing there staring at you when you wake up. Creeeeeeepy! LOL

She sounds so fun!

Kimberly said...

How funny is your timing, Shannon, because for the first time today she DID come to my bedside this morning ... but she woke me up before she got there with all her excited wake up jabber. I think it was a novel thrill for her to find me in my bed.

Heather said...

Sounds like a super cute little girl. I too wish I could meet your kiddos. Maybe someday! I can relate to the creepiness of a little person standing at the side of the bed staring at O dark:thirty in the morning. Especially since the time change...double yuck.

Kimberly said...

Amen to that, Heather.

Josh hates daylight savings especially, so I hear you on the double yuck. Still, we're covered on that part at least. My two are trained to not come out of their rooms until their clocks light up at the times I have set. I did have to move them up half an hour though. The earlier light was making them crazy with confusion and anticipation in the morning. :)

Heather said...

I have thought about trying that idea with the light. But, the three older kids all share a room, so when we have sent them back to their room to wait until the clock turns 6 (yes they get up earlier than that usually), inevitably, they wake the other kids up. Maybe one day when we have more bedrooms, we can instill that light idea.