Oct 31, 2010

Dressin' Up

If ever there was a weekend for dressing up, it would be this one, Halloween weekend, starting with Friday morning.   First we were firemen.

Then Saturday we suited up for Noah's last soccer game of the season. Noah scored the final goal of the game ... which may or may not have been deliberately set up so he could get one in.  We have loved our first Upwards Soccer experience and Noah will surely do it again next year.

After that we test drove our Halloween costumes at a Fall Festival.

Sunday morning, Anna dressed up for church by donning her psuedo-pillowcase dress that Aunt Emily made for her.  Not long after church, Anna fell in the driveway and ripped a hole in the knee of these pants,  whereby we dressed up her boo-boos in Hello Kitty bandaids.

After naps and an early dinner, it was on to the main Halloween attraction - trick or treating! 

This shot came right after Josh had to kill a bird that got stuck on a glue trap in our garage. So sad. Noah and Anna and I prayed in the kitchen that it would not feel anything and just as we asked, Josh said that critter's head came off quicker than he knew was possible.  So sad.  So disturbing.

Noah was fearless this Halloween.  He tore from yard to yard.  Josh walked Anna to most doors (slow going as she was) although she did do a couple on her own near the end.  I waited on the sidewalks with the wagon. Noah's "trick or treat" came out so clear this year as did his "thank you"s.  I was so proud of how he paused and looked every person in the eye to say thanks. Anna could only squeak out "Tweet" if she said anything at all. Well, that and "puntin!" for every pumpkin she's seen all week. The quote of the night came when one man called Anna a doll.  Noah corrected him and said, "No.  Her's not a daw.  Her's a fairy!"

Pirate and Fairy trick-or-treated til they could walk no more.  They were both pooped out. Anna was literally pooped.  Got that?  Literally pooped. So as it turns out she was lugging around more baggage than we knew all night! Gross.  Not as gross as our very own beheaded Halloween bird, but still, gross.

Back at home, Pirate and Fairy took inventory of their loot.  I went to work snatching out all the peanut ingredient candies.  Waste not, want not, though; those bad boys built Mommy and Daddy's candy stash.

Happy Halloween, y'all!
Bring on the holiday season!


Emily said...

LOL!!! Those were so much fun! Brooklyn could've done more trick or treating than we did this year also...but Natalie's little legs and attention didn't last...so we only did our block...none the less, PLENTY of candy were handed out by the handfuls at the houses...Next year will be a lot of fun when nat and keep up....
Noah and Anna looked CUTE! Good job on those!

Amy Faye Brown said...

I really want to comment on the cuteness of those babies, but somehow I'm stuck on the bird that was beheaded. Sickos! Now I've got to go to bed thinking about it. Ugh!

Cute costumes, cute kids! I miss it so much. To Beka's dismay I posted a few pics today of Halloween past on my Facebook account. I think I heard her muttering something about hating me.

Kimberly said...

Emily: I should have gotten a pic of Noah handing out the candy once we got home. He felt so empowered! It was thrilling. (I sort of thought it strange that my preschooler was passing out candy to mostly teenagers, but hey, free candy is free candy I guess).

Amy: I know. I was shocked and just cringed and was like, "Eeew, so you saw all it's insides? Gross!" And Josh was like, "No! I didn't wanna look." He said afterwards it was the most unsettling thing he's ever had to do. Poor fluttery, scared, sticky, doomed bird. What the heck are you doing in the corner on the floor in my garage?! Birdbrain, I guess.

Kimberly said...

Good idea for Halloween's past pics! Here's a quiz for you: See if you can name every costume your kids have worn for every Halloween past. It's fun to recall. I'm just glad I have it all on the blog, because I'd probably miss a few already.

Kimberly said...

Hey now! You're just trying to tempt me into joining FB aren't you, Amy!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Halloween past...
Beka - black cat(4 months), clown, witch, black cat, cinderella, alice in wonderland, pocahontas, belle, hannah montana, Queen of Halloween

Aaron - @ 3months was his witchy sister's black cat, Bob the Builder, a green dragon/dinosaur, a Tampa Bay Buccaneer pirate,a hunter and then came refusal to participate.

Flee from FACEBOOK! It will suck the life right out of you!

Kimberly said...

Amy - I had fun reading y'all's Halloween past list. :) And a I totally grin at your FB warning. I am so on the fence about it that Josh and I discussing just creating a joint account, not keeping up our own status stuff (that's what I have blog for) and using it mostly keep up with people who are actually in our lives. I am so afraid of the slippery slope of time suck that I am afraid FB is. But I am also getting tired of not knowing important stuff because I'm the the only caveman not on FB yet. What to do, what to do. Waffling. I totally have a FB post in the works for January...I can't even give it the time to think about right now.