Oct 26, 2010

What Are Little Girls Made Of

As I put on my make-up this morning, Anna joined me at the counter.  She climbed on the stool and peeked her eager eyes over the top to see as much as she could.  "Dat?" she asked as I put on my blush.  "That's called blush, baby.  Would you like some, too?"  Ah, hah, she said.  I stroked the brush lightly on both her cheeks (it is picture day, you know), and her reaction stole my heart.  She closed her eyes, lifted her chin slightly, grinned, and giggled.  It was like she believed she'd been sprinkled with fairy dust.  Her sweet manner got her a dash of eyeshadow, too (except not really - nothing was on the brush, but she didn't know that).  Her answer?  "More."

I better start drafting lessons for teenage make-up application now.

Anyway, I say all this to say:  What are little girls made of?  Sugar and spice and everything nice, yes!  But if you look closely, you'll see fairy dust from Mama's make-up bag.

Speaking of fairies, Anna test ran her Halloween fairy wings yesterday.  They got the thumbs up from us both.

Oh my word.  Fairy dust, indeed.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

so. so. precious.

I love how you blog these little details. Your sister is lucky. ;) I WISH my sisters would blog the everyday things about my nieces and nephews!!!

Kimberly said...

How funny - I wish MY sister would blog more, too!

You hear that, Emily, you are one lucky girl. ha!