Oct 8, 2010

Fall Break Busyness

Anna had no MDO this week
Josh has been working from home ALL week
Josh introduced Noah to his slingshot - instant love
Soccer practices and games
Flu Shots, Allergy Shots
Mailed Tania birthday card, pictures, posts, and artwork
Anna's teething and requests for "mehmeh" (medicine)
Play dates and more play dates
Keeping Noah caught up with work he doesn't finish at school
Pursuing Speech Evaluation for Noah
Knocking out some Christmas shopping
Home Improvement: dog doors, carpet cleaning, rig gate
Family Photo Session with photographer yesterday
Craig's List purchase ... and return
Getting Elvis' (our neighbor) mail and papers all week
Car Repair appt. today.  Crossing our fingers for a rental...
Finishing Anna's room with name, mirrors, shelf
Me - a painting machine!: shelves, headboard, guest bedroom
Heading out of town this weekend
Night time potty training with Noah - some improvement
Switching out wardrobes, heaters, humidifiers for cooler weather
Found out my sister is pregnant! Shhhh...she hasn't told everyone
Noah's morning, noon, and night:  Chewie, Chewie, Chewie
Finished two books this week and just started a third
Today's to do:  Put pumpkin and Halloween decor in yard
Today's to get:  Pooper scooper, Stat!
Tried 3 new recipes:  Cinnamon Toasted Almonds, Mini-Tacos, Slow Cooker Angel Chicken


Elizabeth Bradley said...

This list makes me smile, smile, smile. I love... absolutely love... to paint! I'm a bit jealous of all your painting. :) Christmas shopping in the fall is one of my favorite things. Looking forward to seeing your family photos. And so fun that your sister is pregnant! What a great week. :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

Sounds like fun! Congrats on a new niece or nephew. We're kicking off our own week of busyness with a wedding from the depths of hades and rehearsal dinner beginning tonight, I'll be out of town Sunday and will miss church entirely for the day and I'm not too thrilled with that,Johnmark will be out of town Monday and possibly Tuesday,MIDTERMS, and getting the house ready for next weekend when my granny comes!
Looking forward to seeing ALL of you after Christmas!

Kimberly said...

Oh Ugh, Amy - The List of Busy is much more enjoyable in retrospect, isn't it, rather than staring it down on the calendar. One day at a time, girl.

A wedding from Hades? Nothing says celebrate like a Hades reference. Ha! Chow down at the rehearsal dinner just to spite it all. ;)

That's the difference between me and you...if I miss church, I kinda like it that way. Guilty.

Yay for grannies though, yes? Don't dust too much. Grannies just care about the family visit. :)

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth - Painting? Yeah, girl! I told Josh that I have surprised myself with how much I enjoy doing it. And not like artistic painting, you know. Utility painting. I enjoy the strokes, the coating, the completing, the fresh new look. It's therapeutic like watering the lawn. :)

When you move back to the states, count me in on your invite list to paint your new place - a painting party! It'd be a fun excuse to meet up.

Looking forward to seeing/sharing the family shots, too. We did it real casual in our neighborhood park and Shannon, our photog, was giddy during the shoot. She thought they were turning out great. I did, too.