Oct 17, 2010

"Bonfire?" says Noah


What bonfire?

There was a bonfire last night?

And family and friends and marshmallows and smores and chili and weenie roasting?

Sorry.  I must have missed all that.  All I remember were the cats!

Poor, poor cats, muttered mommy.

I do remember hearing a lot of "DO. NOT. GRAB. HIS. NECK." Mommies are silly like that.

Mrs. Angel let the cat out of the bag at night's end by telling us that this particular cat, a Russian Blue, is hypoallergenic.   "Can we keep him?"  came to mind.

But mommy distracted me with a cup of coke or 5 and reminded me we have a Chewie waiting for us at home.  That made me smile at just the right cheesy moment. 

Yay for bonfires, friends, family, and furry four-legged treasures.


Emily said...

I smiled the whole time reading that! I love that last family shot! and I LOVE seeing Noah wear the AU hat I got him! And I really think it's funny that Anna still wants to wear hats. I can't wait to see you guys!

ps. Tinker did NOT sleep all night last night. ANd she peed in her crate and 3 times on our floor today. *it's just a puppy period...this too shall pass* :) it's not bad so far..but Lee's bene home to help either take dog out or clean up mess. Tomorrow I've got both jobs. ugh.

Kimberly said...

Ah, ah, ah, Emily. Don't go "ugh"ing already! Think of it more as a labor of love, a worthy investment for someone who wanted a dog so much. Which you did and do!

Emily said...

oh I know! And really, like you said...she keeps those girls SOOO entertained. I may attempt to balance my checkbook at the dinner table and let Natalie and Tinker play. :) Then I'll take Tinker out, come back in, clean up pee, and resume previous work. ANd Repeat.
I'm not really complaining. I knew it'd be this way with such a young puppy. Just a few more weeks, and maybe we won't play outside for 20 minutes and have Tinker enter the house only to pee 1 minute later. Yeah...a few more weeks! :) She really is a good dog. We'll keep her :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

BEAUTIFUL family pic - you are beaming in it. Looks like a fun night. I can't wait until we have a free weekend night at home to just build a fire and roast marshmallows. Poor kitty - we had a sweet one when Aaron was about 18 months and he carried the poor thing around by the neck ALL of the time. Thankfully the cat was a good sport and endured it.