Oct 19, 2010

Taa Daa: Spackle and Tackle

These past two weeks, besides finishing Anna's room and the guest room and besides spackling, sanding, and painting over small holes we had in a number of walls from the previous owners still, I also tackled two other small home improvements.  First, the playroom flooring. The rug in our playroom was looking pretty rough. Kids, sippy cups and mud will do that to a piece of bound carpet.  If I hadn't gotten it for free in a barter with my parents before we moved, I think I would have cried over having to let it go.  This is best pic I could find to show a "Before" shot, but if you click on it, you will surely see the stains and spots that haunted me.

This new rug in the playroom is one we have had since our AL days.  It was our living room rug there but we have not used it since moving here.  It felt so good to pull it back out (freeing up more storage space in the process) and to see it work out great in the room.  A real upgrade.  And free!

Second, I improved upon our front entrance space.  The two long windows flanking the front door really left me feeling unnerved at night, especially when Josh was out of town. So not long after we moved here, I bought those temporary paper blinds you just stick up and clip to the length you want.  It's not the greatest pic but you can see what we had going on on each side of our front door. 

Two years later, I finally had enough of the temporary fix, the cluttered, paper accordion look, and the little clips that Anna kept stealing and hiding.  So when I saw Sabrina Soto (my fave HGTV host) spray windows with a can of window frost (not the Christmas snowy stuff) to maintain privacy for the homeowner but still allow light to come through, I was sold!  After a little hunting, we finally tracked down a can of that stuff at Lowe's.  The frosted windows keep a much cleaner line and Josh and I are so pleased to have finally wrapped that up.


Emily said...

why didn't you do it to the middle window...you can still see right through it?! I think we may do that to our front door window...thanks for the idea!

Kimberly said...

You can see through it but not clearly. It has a hammered-sort of surface, besides having all the glass divisions for the artistic design on it. And we thought the frost would take away from that.

You'll see next time you are up here. It still maintains privacy well enough. Never fear.

Kimberly said...

It's also got beveled cuts that distort any view you would get. And seriously, you would have to put your eye flat on the window to try to see through it and still it would be cut up and distorted. And by then I would see the creep peeking in and could sound the alarm.

Heather said...

Martha, I mean Sabrina, I mean Kimmie! Way to go!! I have a few projects you could work on here....if you lived closer I guess!

Unknown said...

It sounds you like you guys are watching a lot of HGTV. I have a long list of "house to-dos". Doesn't every homeowner. We had the same issues with our front door side windows but we used a film that you peel and stick. Looks very clean and as if it came that way. I hated that people could see right in at us in our living room. Creepy.

Kimberly said...

Yeah, I saw that frosted film stuff and just didn't trust myself to cut a straight line (see my comments about Anna's curtains, ha!). Plus, my side windows have a beveled edge, so I was afraid the film's edge would stand out too much along the beveled edge.

You are a better woman than me for tackling the peel and stick film. I am pretty sure my spray can was waaaaay easier. :)