Oct 24, 2010

Memaw and Papa John

It's hard to not feel the love when Memaw and Papa John come to town.  They are experienced grandparents, you know.  They know the way to your heart.

They give tickles and kisses and hugs.

They teach you to make oatmeal the right way.

They come bearing gifts - this time in the form of a hand-me-down Barbie Power Wheels from some Florida cousins.  And when Mommy spots a great deal on a Power Wheels 4-wheeler, a good Memaw helps get it in the car and a good Papa helps get it assembled  ASAP! 

They share their birthday glory by letting you help blow out their candles. They also keep you stocked with chocolate, fudge brownies, ice cream, chips, Ginger Ale, and Cheese Nips.

Then they tickle and giggle with you some more.

We miss you already, Memaw and Papa John.  Looking forward to Christmas at your place. 


Elizabeth Bradley said...

These pictures make me smile. :) I'm so glad you were able to enjoy some fun family time with Memaw and Papa John! And I'm certainly looking forward to your Christmas visit to see them. ;)

Unknown said...

Aww the love they have for those kids shines through these photos. I'm sure they adored their time with them.