Oct 20, 2010

Stuff Said Around Here

Josh: (joking) Get that boy dressed already!
Me: (joking, but serious too) I don't know if you can dress a tasmanian devil.

Noah fell and hurt himself and came to me crying and making a bit of a dramatic scene. Chewie jumped up at the fuss and hurried to Noah's side. That's when I noticed Chewie was actually, excuse me for this, humping Noah's leg.
Me: (annoyed, grossed out) CHEWIE, NO! GET DOWN!
Noah: (adorably unaware) {sniff,sniff} I just fink Chewie be helping me calm down.
Me: Um, no. That's not what he was doing. Noah, when he grabs your leg like that you make him stop.

Me: Anna, what would like for breakfast?
Anna: Behfess!
Me: Ok. Would you like grapes? Or cheese? Or pancakes? Or cereal?
Anna: Or!

It's not uncommon for Noah to say this when he's eating: There's a party in my tummy!

Me: Noah, stop shining that flashlight in people's eyes.
Noah: It OK. I just a powice offifer! I gonna catch somebody!

When the oven timer rings, Anna: Didder weddy! (read - dinner ready)

While I prepared him a plate of cantaloupe, Noah said, "Not give me too much, Mommy. Might give me diaweeyah."

Noah tried to say Pinocchio the other day. It came out "Punkyochio."

Noah is missing his Power Wheels car. We've been keeping our eye on sales, stores, and Craig's List looking for a good deal. Noah and I were discussing his options yesterday.
Me: I think the police car one will cost too much. What about the four-wheeler. I like that one for you.
Noah: Four-wheeyer? Ok. You get me dat?
Me: Maybe, if we can find a good price. Or maybe we will wait and see if Santa brings one?
Noah: No, I want you get me one.
Me: Me?  Why me?
Noah: Because I wuv you.
Me:  Ha! Is it because you think I'd get it sooner than Santa?
Noah: (duh mom tone) Santa can't not bwing it every time.  You need to dis time.
I guess he has a point.  Santa did bring him the first one two years ago.  And we have been saying a lot lately that he can put this or than on his list for Santa.  I thought it was a good deflection tactic, but apparently Noah has been keeping track of the tally.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Cute stuff, cute stuff!

Unknown said...

LOL They are all so funny. The humping dog...oh my goodness!

I tell Jacob the same thing about the Santa list. But, he's come up with a better idea..."Let's ask Nene for it". He knows he has the best chance of getting anything he wants from grandma than he does us or Santa.

Kimberly said...

Yeah, Shannon. I think the kids are onto us ... and Santa.