Nov 13, 2009

WPTM #18: Delight

What Parenting Teaches Me #18: Delight

Having children has opened my eyes to so many things about the Lord, about myself, and about my relationship with Him. Most recently it has had to do with delight. Pure, simple, thrilling delight.

It thrills me to watch what my babies will do next, watching them just be. I flat out DELIGHT in watching them do something new, watching them laugh, watching them cry, watching them figure something out, watching them struggle with something else, watching them succeed or have to try some more, watching their habits and impulses that are so uniquely them, watching them communicate, watching them concentrate, watching them get excited, watching them build relationships, watching them learn, watching them sleep, even watching them be bad when they think no one is watching. I can get so sappy over them - heck - I am all watery just typing this list - just thinking about how I think about them.

And I think about how that is mirrored in heaven. Can God really feel such delight in me? He must, I know. He didn't just give birth or adopt us. He created us and every thing about us that makes us different and special. He made those details. So he loves us and delights in us in a much more deep and powerful and yet intimate way. And that is amazing to think about. And that is humbling. And that is so thrilling, too. And such a relief.

And then I feel guilty knowing that in my flesh, in this life, I will probably never be able to love Him back as much or as well as He loves me. I'll try, of course, and because he loves me like he does, it will only delight Him more.


Emily said...

I've thought those same things...only not quite so eloquently. I'm not a writer in my head. Good Post!!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Great post! It is overwhelming and almost incomprehensible to think of God delighting in us in that way... but I know he does and I love how you've described it here.