Nov 10, 2009

Case in Point

While I was on the road to my sister's house on Friday (at least 3 hours into the drive), I stopped to use the bathroom, grab a bite, and generally wake myself up. I even took a phone call from my sister and walked around a few minutes. As I stood at the counter waiting for my order, I started going through my purse and realized that my keys were not there. A short heart attack and a long wait for my food later, I stalked to my car praying aloud, ALOUD I tell you, "Oh God, please let it be unlocked, please let it be unlocked, please let it be unlocked." In my head I was even explaining to God that even if I had locked it he still had time to unlock it and no on would be the wiser. I believe, Lord, I believe that car is unlocked.

Well, miracle of miracles, it was unlocked. The keys were in the car. In the ignition. The car was STILL RUNNING!

Didn't I tell you I was feeling scattered? Well. Case in point.


Emily said...


Emily said...

Dad would like that story...only difference is I was histerical when it happened, crying like a baby in front of the Golden Coral manager guy

Unknown said...

Poor girl! I can so picture that scenario happening to me on a normal day. LOL