Nov 19, 2009

Baby's First Haircut

Annabelle got her first hair cut yesterday. I was even brave enough to go for it alone without Josh to assist in case of a screaming emergency. Turns out I had some built-in assistance anyway. Noah rose to the occasion and was quite eager about helping Anna be brave if needed. During her cut, he could be heard in the background singing a Noah original entitled, "Baby Dude, Baby Dude". Really, though, no help was needed. The lady set Anna down and got to work on her flyaway and uneven wispy pieces of hair that I was determined to see gone. When Anna had absolutely no reaction to the new experience, Noah yelled in surprise, "Mommy! Anna no cwy!"

I was just as surprised myself. I was braced for the worst. She is nothing if not dramatic.

But no, she was a total rock star about it - if by rock star you think of stoic, silent, still, and sober. Heh, heh, heh...not likely. But she WAS all those things, so in my book she totally showed Noah up in the first-haircut department. He panicked and screamed and cried his first time. Then again, he had a lot more hair to lose for the occasion. And he was a a lot younger, too. Here's a shot of Noah getting his first haircut at 9 mos. Thankfully, that zebra print did him no permanent damage.

1 comment:

Laura Koslowsky said...

Way to go Anna! I absolutely love when you do these comparison pics of Noah at Anna's age.