Sep 11, 2009

Opry Mills Indulgence

Josh and I agree that one of the best parts of having kids is getting to be a kid again....except this time no one tells you what to do. :) That said, I don't know which kid got more spoiled today, Noah or Josh.

We decided at the last minute to head over to Opry Mills this afternoon. More specifically we headed to the Build-A-Bear Factory. (Noah's lifelong bear love is Calvin who came from a Build-a-Bear Factory, so we are trying to carry on the tradition with Anna - plus her birthday is coming up.) We are bound and determined to find some sort of lovey for Anna to form an attachment with. We laugh about how she is just a cold-hearted snake of a girl because she has never had a comfort object, blanket, or even a paci - never shown any interest in anything of that nature. She has always rejected or ignored anything we've planted in her path. We don't give up easy though, ergo - the trip to Build-A-Bear. She did actually choose this bunny though when we put it and a bear in front of her.

Of course, on the way home, she threw it down 3 times before I gave up giving it back to her.

Noah helped make the bunny with love and a little trepidation. The sound of the stuffing blower really unnerved him, but he powered through with my help. Regardless, he was fascinated with the process and gave her bunny's heart a hearty kiss before he stuffed it in. :) He vetoed a couple shirt choices for her bunny, as well. Bunny ended up with a "peace, love, hugs" tee.

Of course, we didn't get to the bear factory without passing the carousel first. Noah and Anna both rode it, which means Josh and I both rode it. Josh and I were a little dizzy and queasy when we got off. Then I felt bad that Josh's mom got stuck riding it last May when she was in town. Sorry, Carol! Won't happen again. :)

Then, we gave in and let Noah ride the little train that makes its rounds around the mall. Josh rode with him because we were just not comfortable with letting Noah out of our sight for that long, train or no train. Josh did admit to a slight case of embarrassment at having been a part of the spectacle of that train weaving in and out of foot traffic in the mall.

As if that wasn't enough, Josh took Noah back to some crazy candy kiosk they passed on their train ride. And all I know is I walked off with Anna and by the time I came back they had dropped almost $13 on a pound of gooey, chewy candy!

Noah kept eating and asking for more "giant snakes" on the way home. They were gummy worms, but I didn't correct him. I just giggled from the front seat and passed back the snakes. I did give him a countdown of 3 though. In the end it didn't matter, because when we got home the ice cream man was making his rounds...

Those are both my boys watching the leaves fall whilst they eat some more sugar before bedtime. Those bad boys are called Cherry Bomb Pop Juniors, I am told. I wouldn't know firsthand because I was upstairs putting a pooped out Anna to bed early after a banana and some more milk. And for your information, I think she was pleasantly surprised to be reunited with Bunny in her crib. Or maybe that was me.


Emily said...

Oh man! I laughed throughout that entire post! Great fun! And that picture of Anna with Bunny, yeah, it looks like she's thinking "my parents MADE me pick out a stinking 'lovey'...whatever...just buy me that one. Good grief." hee hee. And Josh on the train, hilarious! And the picture with Noah's arm around Anna. just can't have too many of those...and that one is totally frame-worthy. Put in your house, somewhere. A-stinking-dorable. If that were Brooklyn and Natalie standing there...Brooklyn would be squeezing Natalie's head in an attempt to hug her...while Natalie screams and cries is sheer fury. Yeah, enjoy those moments you snapped in that picture...not everyone gets those kinds of siblings!

Emily said...

And you may want to think about giving Noah some Maalox in the morning...haha...all that candy/sugar/icecream...Brooklyn would be tooting up the house if we gave her all that stuff in one day, not to mention the "mommy, my bey-ee (belly) hurts". Not joking. MAALOX...half a chewable tablet.

Unknown said...

Fun stuff! We hit up a Build-A-Bear this past week too while on vacation. Such a cute place!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

What a sweet picture of your two little ones standing together by the carousel... and so fun that they're both standing!!! I'm sure it's one of the first of many pictures to come like that. :)

Kimberly said...

Emily: Ahhhh, there's that Emily buzz-word I have missed for a while "stinking"...goes right along with the Maalox tip. Good to know, good to know. :) As for that carousel shot, I have a great handful of shots from that moment and the ones that followed. :) So glad you liked it too. I have already played with the saturation and color to experiment with black, white, and everything in between. Love it!

Shannon: How funny! Small World! I wonder if the bear was for Jacob or baby girl?

Alison said...

Kara has the bunny too ("Flopsey"). Her comfort is a sippy cup though - it can be empty, but she has to have it (doesn't suck on it, just holds it). Not sure where it came from.

We are actually going to Build-A-Bear tonight so the kids can make something to give to Garison tomorrow - we are going to let them each put their "hearts" in it! I saw the idea in a magazine and couldn't resist!

Looks like you had a great time!

Kimberly said...

Alison - so excited for you guys for tomorrow. Ugh on the 5 am part, though!! I'm with you on that one. Even my dr. let me check in in the evening.

Josh and I love that idea of having both kids put a heart in the bear...We will have to follow suit around the next adoption.