May 30, 2015

Stealthy Shopper/Seller

I so enjoy watching Noah want something and save for it and even, at times, sell stuff he doesn't need/want anymore to raise money for it.  Here is the latest satisfying buy/sell scenario he rocked.

1.  He bought a Gamecube game at a yard sale for $3 because they work on Wii too.  Great price!
2.  But we didn't have the right controller to use it. Lesson learned. :S
3.  So we listed that game on GTP for $6 and on Amazon for $15 plus shipping.
4. Within an hour, said game sold on Amazon!  Awesome.
5.  Minus shipping and Amazon fees, Noah's return was $12 for the game.
6.  That amount of money plus the $8 he already had was enough to buy a DS game he wanted at Walmart for $20.
7.  We double checked the price on Amazon ... and found it brand new for $12 there instead!
8.  So Noah turned a $3 unusable item into a $20 value plus $8 still in his pocket.  Well done!

His prized Lego Legends of Chima DS game arrived today and my little liquidator could not be more jazzed about the turn of events and his sweet reward! 

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