May 11, 2015

2015's Garden Plans

We are definitely off our game in terms of getting plants in the ground this year. All we have planted are Anna's sunflower seeds.  Despite the lack of rain we've had since then, they are still sprouting! 

In an effort to finally get the planting job done, we made ourselves all pile in the car Friday night and get over to Lowe's to at least buy the stuff we'd need.  It looks like we are skipping cucumbers this year in lieu of broccoli. I am afraid we will be sorry for not doing cucumbers, but we're going without them anyway.  We also picked up our staple, tomato plants.  I grabbed some flowers, celosia, to plant beside the mailbox and grabbed a sample of garden edging to fix up our front landscaping eventually.  Anna picked out a lavender plant and Noah got his hands on a Venus fly trap, something he has wanted to try for a long time.

As is tradition, Josh and the kids planted and I took pics of the planting. 

The kids got distracted while Josh did the initial watering.  Or they got inspired by the watering.  Water guns came out, children got drenched.  All in a day's work.

Garden looks good.  Now I have some green stuff to baby for awhile.

I'll enjoy watching my garden grow this summer ... including the plants.  Ha!


Emily said...

Jealous every year i see your plants...
Like what seems to be the case in most everything we do...we're just a few years behind you :)

Kimberly said...

Girllll, pick ONE thing and plant it. Do it. DO it.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I'm horribly behind on ever-so-many emails... including your blog posts, but had bookmarked this one to come and say "I LOVE broccoli grown in a garden." Not that the "store variety" isn't, but you know what I mean. ;-) Seriously. Broccoli grown at home is SO MUCH better than any broccoli I've ever found in a grocery store. I hope yours is a success!

p.s. Despite having only a terrace for growing things and it being 3 floors up and exposed to LOTS of wind, we're trying our hand at strawberries, a tomato plant, and a bell pepper plant this summer. There's a 2 year old in our house who loves to "water plants." ;-)

Kimberly said...

Funny story - I completely forgot we DID do broccoli last year ... like 2 plants maybe? And we gobbled them as soon as we harvested them. They never grew any more. :(