May 2, 2015

Noah's Ninth

Happy Birthday to our beautiful Noah!

We have presents to spoil him today...

and this guy that surprised him first thing this morning before his second ball game of the weekend - a throwback net.  It was only fitting to attach his "new experience" gift this year - tickets to a Nashville Sounds game at their new stadium in a couple weeks, too. :)

At the moment, he's off to hang with his Daddy in the sunshine at a local Paddlefest event

where they can mess around and try out different kayaks, paddle boards, and other water accessories. 

Tonight, we'll have just a couple close family friends come over to share cake and hot dogs at his request.

Just gonna sit back and enjoy this moment among many where we get to grin over that first-born of ours.  NINE years?!


Emily said... THAT cake is impressive. Whoa! Good job Kimberly!!!!!! We're doing a Lego cake for jack too. But it won't be THAT awesome. hehe.

Kimberly said...

Oh I didn't make that cake. Didn't have any part of it this year. I explained more in the other week highlights post. That was all Josh.