May 29, 2015

So Long, Kindergarten!

It sure seems to be all about Anna these days, doesn't it?  Things kinda ebb and flow like that I notice.  This week Anna wrapped up her kindergarten run at last.  Not that I have been counting down or anything. Ha! :}

At the little ceremony in the classroom, she squeezed in many last hugs with our beloved Mrs. White.

She walked to the front of the class for her special award.

She is definitely a Reader Extraordinaire!

Our kindergarten graduation paperwork.

Final report card of the year.

And a graduation writing sample that is precious to me.

She spent her last minutes in class playing with and romping around with and hugging her best buddy, Luci.

But it was all downhill from there.

And I do mean all downhill.  She cried all the way out to the car and cried again once we got home.  Goodbyes are hard!

No worries.  She was able to pull herself together by making a craft for Luci for a playdate we'll have next week.  And we went to lunch together too.  By then she assured me she felt better.  "It just felt the most sad when we were still there."

So long, Kindergarten!  You rocked and now we gotta roll!

In the interest of reporting on Noah, here is a shot of him sick on the couch for three days this week. :} I have a big, long post about him coming soon - his birthday letter finally.

Bring on Summer!


Emily said...

Poor little guy!! Is he better now?

Kimberly said...

Yeah, fever subsided Wednesday only hours after I made him finally eat something like you suggested. :} Saved us a copay and a needless errand to the dr. Waiting one more day was spot on!

Emily said...

yay! The only time I worry over minimal symptom fevers is 1) if the fever doesn't go down (or go away) significantly AFTER 3 days, or it doesn't go down with the correct dose of Tylenol/Motrin - because pediatricians won't typically give antibiotics if it's less than or equal to 3 days a fever - which means you may call on day 4 for appt). Fever is considered 100.5 or higher. 99 just makes the kid feel bad. With that being said, I always kept my kids home from school with 99 temps because they would feel terrible...

or 2) they won't drink and are becoming lethargic from that case they would need fluids. That's why even with stomach bugs I force my kids to drink a teaspoon/tbs of water or orange pedialyte (my kids like that flavor best) every 10-15 minutes to test if they'll keep it down...and give more if they do.