May 8, 2015

Her Field Day ... Finally!

Anna remembers well being a tag-along visiting Noah's field days at Union for his kindergarten and first grade years, but this year's Union Field Day was a horse of another color.  This year was HER field day and a beautiful sunny field day it was.  

Anna was allllll up in it and happy to be there.

Noah and I tagged along with the kindergarteners the first half of the day for the races, relays, playground, carnival, and tug-of-war stations before leaving at lunch right when the sun was getting unbearable.

 Anna is a good little runner, but apparently she is not as fast as I thought she was.  She didn't place in the girls race, but she was too pumped to be participating to worry about that small detail. Phew!

My personal fave - sack races.

Bean bag balancing ... or not, in Anna's case.  Ha!

Noah, hanging out...

Anna particularly enjoyed this relay; all grins to squeeze the sponge over her head and cool off.

And she was quite thorough wringing it out in the tub.

Like, I actually had to shoo her back into action to return to her team.  Ha!

Anna's class was short a kid for tug-of-war, so Noah was eager to jump in and help out.

I tried to cheer, but couldn't stop giggling. It took a long time for either team to win.

Kindergarten-level strenuous exertions are way, way funny.  And way sweet when they win, which they did for their first turn.  There {might} have been tears when they lost in the second, though not by Anna. It was intense for a second there, y'all. :}

Anna got to come home early with Claire and was happy for the rescue from the hot, hot day.  Aren't they cute?  All morning, I adored all the sweet kiddos and innocent fun and high energy.  Children are such fun, such gifts!

And that's that.  Anna's officially had her public school Day in the Sun.  Next field day will be after we've almost finished her first year of homeschooling.  WOW!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I actually enjoy field days! I hope our city will have one of those days organized for our kids next year! IT IS fun! Hot, but Fun!

Way to go is your color girly!