May 17, 2015

SOUNDS Like a Good Time

We watched the weather with a bit of trepidation all rainy day Saturday and hoped for the best on our way to Nashville that night to check out the Sounds new stadium.  Noah had some birthday tickets and he didn't have his own ballgame to play in, so this was the perfect night ... if the rain would hold off.  And it did!  Man oh man, it did. 

It was a great night!  Check out that gorgeous twilight sky against that beautiful field of grass and imagine the cool breezes that blew over us for hours.

Noah hardly sat down the whole night.

He opted to hang over the fence right in front of our seats and over the heads of the pitchers warming up.

This was our view of the game.  Not as close as we have been at other games, but out there where Noah hoped to catch a ball. :)  He did get a ball actually, though not from the field.  One found in the stands and passed off to him by a kind young woman.  I think his cuteness drew her in.


Anna enjoyed the crowd and lights and mood for a bit.


But it wasn't long til she was playing with my hair, my glasses, her fingers...

She finally landed in a seat with Josh's phone.  I'd have given her mine, but I was busy taking pics.

We enjoyed overpriced stadium food for dinner and snacks.  And Noah, who watched for the big chicken like a hawk, finally got to have a moment with Booster the Rooster himself.  This was our second sighting of Booster in two days... Booster was walking the grounds at the Historic Rural Life Festival we went to the day before, too. 

The game went EIGHTEEN innings before the Sounds finally gave up the ghost and lost.  We only managed to stick around for 11 innings before calling it a night.  A late night, but a good night.

A good night not counting the the fact that I lost my driver's license at some point in the evening.  It's long gone.  Josh even went back the next morning to retrace our steps from the free parking lot blocks away all the way to the stadium, but no such luck.  It's long lost. It puts me in this kinda mood.

Now we just wait to see if some identity thief happened upon it or if some good Samaritan will mail it to me or even just turn it into the lost and found.  Wish us luck on that front!

Back to the Nashville run ... we enjoyed these touristy things on the way to the game.  You can actually stop the globe turning and make it go another direction while it balances on that water under it.  It is SO heavy though!

That's the capitol at the top of the hill there across the lawn.

And the view from the Home Plate Entrance of the new First Tennessee Park...

... where my crew could not wait to get in and take in the night.

Happy "First Time" birthday present this year Noah - first game at the Sounds new stadium.  Love that rockin' scoreboard! 

Love that kid much more!


Emily said...

What a fun idea!!!! Right up Noah's alley of fun too. and his "your" lost drivers license face about killed me....LOL.

But sorry you lost that thing...what a pain...hope you don't have to drive anywhere!! Or at least that you don't get caught!

Kimberly said...

Well, i have a letter to carry in case I have to show ID that lets anyone that needs to know that I have applied for a duplicate license.

Still hoping my original shows up. I have that it's floating around somewhere.

Emily said...

I would to! Especially since your address is on it...oy. I'm so sorry!