May 1, 2015

Highlights this Week

We go on these board game binges a lot lately.  Sorry seems to be our drug of choice in that category.

This particular board game is the very same set I grew up playing on and have some grinning stories/civil wars to recall from its history.  It's last go in my childhood home happened one Christmas break when I was home from college.  My mom got so furious at my sending one of her men back to start (after a vicious game already, I can only assume), that she just up and quit and swore she would never play with us again.  And she really didn't.  When she calmed down, after a few years (ha!), I went ahead and asked if I could have the game for my own kids since she wasn't gonna play it and, surprisingly, she agreed.  Now we get to enjoy its vintage play and historical/hysterical memories any time we want. Anna, if you must know, keeps my mom's extreme board game dramatics alive for us.  True story ... this set is older than me - copyright 1972.

Another day this week, I checked Anna out of school early for the kids' first appt at their new pediatric dentist.  It had to be rescheduled THREE times this spring because of conflicts, so I was stuck with a middle of the day appt and just let Anna hang out with us afterwards instead of going back to school for an hour.  It was so GORGEOUS out that we hopped over to the park before making a grocery run and heading back home.

It was funny to be at this park in the middle of the day with my "big" kids.  There were only other little kids with their moms there and it took me back to being there with mine when they were ever so little.


If it's ok with you, I am gonna mark them down in the "still little" category.  They had a blast playing in the sun and headed up an active round of tag with a bunch of the littles that were there.

When we got back in the car, Anna declared, "Noah, you are a good leader!"  Warmed my heart.  And made me proud.  He does have a talent for amusing and leading and playing with kiddos younger than himself; he really enjoys their company.  I love that about him.  He has been referred to as the "Baby Whisperer" among our Community Group because only he can calm the babies when the two hired babysitters can't make the crying stop. Blessed boy.

Today, Friday, we turned our faces to the sky to soak up another cool and sunny beautiful day on our way back to Nashville with one buddy, Cole, and to meet up with a bunch of other homeschool buddies.

Schermerhorn Symphony Center welcomed us again to a perfect seat in a west loge box where we learned about different group subsets that can perform together.

We heard a flawless solo, duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, septet, octet, and finally a nonet.  Confession, I sway like a looney bird listening to the rise and fall, crescendos and dimenuendos, quick tempos and slow.  I love it.  I love exposing Noah to it!

Afterward, we strolled across the Shelby Street Bridge and picnicked and played at Cumberland Park.

Anna had an exciting Friday, too, when it was finally her turn to bring home Leo for the weekend.

We are to take pics and write a little paragraph of all the fun things he does with us while here. :)  Firstly, he helped Josh and Anna make Noah's birthday cake. 

Second, he played with the kids at the neighborhood playground.

He also got to come freeze with us at a nighttime make-up game whereby Noah's team enjoyed a really fun and exciting win!  Anna is really excited to report back all his activity on Monday. Such a cute class pet idea!

Noah made hits and/or runs every turn at bat, scored several times for his team, and got two (almost three) people out while manning second base.  He didn't quite win a game ball, but he did get an honorable mention at the team's post-game chat with Coach Jason.  Proud of him!

Last but not least among our week's highlights is a shot of Josh's finished product for Noah's birthday cake.  It's {literally} a little rough around the edges, but it's way fun and just what Noah wanted and we love it.

I love it even more because I didn't have to make it or stress over it.  It may be Noah's birthday cake, but it was also a sweet gift for me. Well done, Josh!!


Emily said...

ewe! I HATE bringing home those germ infested class "pet" stuffed animals...I always cringed when it was our turn to do that stuff...of course my kids were as excited as Anna was so they loved and love on that germy thing. Glad to see you're less nastified by it! hahaha!

Kimberly said...

Ha! The thought crossed my mind and then I let it go. I did see, though, that in the scrapbook other kids submitted, one family mentioned giving it a lysol bath before letting it in the house because it was flue season when they got it. Ha!