Aug 17, 2010


- I brought some clothes downstairs this morning to change into before we left the house. Noah pointed to the bra in my stack and said, "When I grow up, I want you to show me how to wear one of those."

- Once I got Noah home from school today, I sent him to the bathroom. He got all tangled in his pants and shoes and needed my help getting put back together. That's when I noticed his underwear was on backwards.

Me: Noah, your underwear's on backwards!
Noah: Don't say dat.
Me: (laughing b/c I never know how to respond when he says that) But it is.
Noah: (pride at stake) I wike it dat way!
Me: (more laughter, head rolled back, tears coming to my eyes)
Noah: (takes off running and squealing, pants around his ankles, underwear still on backwards)


Emily said...

I can totally picture it!!!!!! LOL!

Unknown said...