Aug 9, 2010


I am feeling pumped today for different reasons.
  1. I just got back with the kids from our first play date with one of the mom's groups I just joined. I tend to get anxious right before social engagements. I tend to want to back out. And I always end up having a great time and feeling so glad I didn't bail. Today is another one of those situations. I was the new girl and knew not a soul there. But it was easy to get to know the other moms and we had wonderful conversation. It was helpful and encouraging. And mood boosting. You tend to forget how good it feels to be with other people. Fellowship gets me pumped.
  2. We started trying churches again. Yesterday we visited the first on our list. It is not "the one," but it was still a nice group of people. Honest, sincere, in love with the Lord, welcoming. And it just felt good to be in church again. Today at the playgroup, I got a heartfelt recommendation for another one of the churches we have in mind to visit, so that was good to hear as well. I look forward to feeling at home in a church again. That sort of community gets me pumped.
  3. I worked and shopped at our local semi-annual consignment sale this past weekend. I love being a part of that scene, so that was enjoyable in itself. Even more enjoyable was getting to shop early - before the public. I made a killing. I love good deals on good clothes. That gets me pumped.
  4. My kitchen has felt a bit like a cave to me for awhile now. Just needed better lighting is all. So this weekend, I wrangled Josh into finally installing some under cabinet lighting in the darkest corner and it has made all the difference. I keep staring into the light as if in a trance and repeating myself like a fool, "Oh my gosh - I love it!" My kitchen feels bigger, which is a big deal given how small it is. And now I have my sights set on some above cabinet rope lights. Home improvements get me pumped.
  5. We go meet Anna's new MDO teacher tomorrow. I am seriously MDO starved. Knowing I have some free time on the horizon REALLY gets me pumped.
  6. We met Noah's new preschool teacher last week and she is really warm and confident and experienced. That is a relief and a reassurance. So Noah starts school this Wednesday. I am so excited for him. It's a big deal to be going to school 5 (half) days a week. It's a new day in our lives for sure. New starts get me pumped.
  7. Anna is napping later and longer lately and this maneuvering of the routine hasn't had any negative effects on her. I need her napping later so her naps don't get all of out whack when I start picking up Noah from school this week at the time she is used to napping. Seamless transition. That gets me pumped, too. I like easy.
  8. Football. Need I say more? Football season is here. That totally gets me pumped. We watched Sunday Night Football last night (although pre-season, I know) and I just grinned goofy at the screen - drinking in the green field, the flags, the helmets, the crowds, the passes, the tackles, the jerseys, the familiar voices of the commentators. Ahhhhh, football. I've missed you.
  9. Josh and I are hatching plans for his return to teaching again. The thought of his schedule being reliable, of him being home more, of his working at a more family-friendly place gets us both really pumped. The catch now is not getting ahead of ourselves. Not getting ahead of the Lord's timing. But still, just talking about it gets us pumped.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Send some of your "pumpedness" my way! We've been REALLY lazy the last couple of weeks - but that will change as of Thursday when the children return to school and we are getting up at 5 am. Your brother-in-law is also excited about football and believes that Sunday night football is God's gift to pastors. Your hubby back in a classroom - right where he needs to be!!! (not that it is any of my business)

Kimberly said...

Ugh - 5 am. Not good. I'll be thinking of you ... except not really, I better still be asleep at that hour. Anna's Tot Clock doesn't turn on until a little after 6. PLENTY early for me.

I do have to accept that I must be presentable before 8:00 in the morning now - that's when Noah's supposed to be at school. That 8 am deadline is a full enough plate for me as far as mornings go.

Unknown said...

Whooo hooooo! I love those kinds of moods. I had a pumped sort of day. Projects at work are starting to launch. I also think vacation on the horizon is doing it for me too.

I have always wanted under cabinet lighting. I just love low light in odd places like that. I'm not a fan of overhead lights at all.

Prayers for Josh's big transition. I know you'll welcome the break from his travels.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

This post just made me smile when I read it from our hotel last week. So many fun and exciting things for your family... and so happy that you're happy about them.

I totally feel your pain on meeting new people. Shannon often says of me that I like to have new friends, I just don't like to make new friends. :) And football, he is oh-so-pumped about football... which I guess means I am too because seeing him happy makes me happy.

Kimberly said...

I think Shannon's quote fits me, too. :) Being The Visitors in new churches on Sundays now is quite anxiety-inducing for me.