Aug 11, 2010

First Day of Pre-K

While Josh and I got a little weepy in our minds recalling where the past 4 years of Noah's life have taken us, there were no tears to be seen as we kissed our oldest baby goodbye and walked out the door of his first day in Pre-K. Noah got a little antsy and called us back for second hugs and reassurances; he said he wanted us to stay because he would miss us. He even asked for a kiss, though I am sure it was only a stall tactic, and even then only because he saw another kid get kisses from her parents. It's possible Anna took the day the hardest. She moaned and moaned for "Wo-wah" as we drove away and kept this up after we got home. It plum wore her out to be without her brother and she ended up taking two naps just to make it through the day. Adorable. Not even a romp at Chick-fil-A could distract her from a certain someone's absence for long. I have to agree with her - it just didn't feel right without him with us all morning. It was so strange.

As for Noah, his day at school went smoothly. He approves of his teacher. He and his classmates got acquainted though he can't remember any of their names yet. They sang. They played. They colored. They snacked. They began memorizing their first scripture verse. They read a book about a moose. They learned about the letter i. Noah says he is fine with going back every day. I'm glad to hear that.

And speaking of I, here are some other things I am glad about...

I am glad his classroom is declared a peanut-free zone.

I am glad his teacher goes by Mrs. Cindy instead of Mrs. Shewcraft.

I am glad he will take part in reading groups.
I am glad his desk is front and center in the room.

I am glad there is a good chunk of playtime in his day.
I am glad I get to pick him up before lunch.
I am glad he and I will have alone time every T/Th before Anna's MDO lets out.

So that's that. It's official. Without any fanfare or emotionally wrought scenes in its passing, my stay - at- home with Noah days are behind me. Wow. The tiny baby we brought home 4 years ago has up and gone off and left me home alone ... at least til lunch. Yeah, it will be neat to have several hours a day with just Anna, but I have a sneaking suspicion she and I will get caught just counting down the minutes every day until we can go pick Noah up from school. I kind of miss him already.


Amy Faye Brown said...

My heart goes out to you. This morning we rose at 5 so both of mine could catch the dreaded bus out at the highway. Sophomore year and 7th grade. I've tried not to blink because time she is a' fleeting.

Amy Faye Brown said...

Oh, BTW - his pictures are adorable. He looks like a little man.

Emily said...

So really? Anna realized Noah was gone? Man, That would have broken my heart...though I'm sure it will happen like that with'll be like, (in the I'm in teh MONey tune) "I'm got my mommy! All to my own self!..."
But how stinking sweet for Anna to miss her brother so much! So sweet!