Aug 24, 2010

Noah's Newest

The latest on my Noah:

He's learned the Pledge of Allegiance, an Indian Child poem, and a bunch of new songs that include My Country 'Tis of Thee, Jesus Love the Little Children, The Lord's Army, and King of the Jungle. He sings, recites, and sings, and recites all the live long day. Also, his teacher came to visit before the weekend got here and it was funny to see how Noah responded to having school authority and home authority in the same place. Worlds were definitely colliding and he was totally amped up the entire visit.

He's watched a couple episodes of Star Wars for the first time now. He's really excited by the movies and only a little anxious - ok, a lot, but good anxious, thrilling and fun anxious. He's finally convinced that Yoda is not a bad guy - it took awhile for him to accept that - that something so ugly was not necessarily bad.

He's got his Halloween costume all lined up - a pirate. We got it this weekend. The funny thing is the sword that came with it is now used as a light sabre instead. Maybe we should've gotten him a Yoda costume.

So his season of karate has come and gone (we technically bailed on it last month) and now we are on to a new activity. Yesterday he got signed up for Upwards Soccer. He changed his mind about it 4 times before we ignored him completely and signed him up anyway. We grinned silly, smitten mommy/daddy grins watching him participate in his soccer evaluation. He listened so well and ran so hard. We'll do the soccer thing as long he digs it. We'll snap pictures like crazy, too, because if his interest is anything like his daddy's mood about it right now, our soccer season won't even last as long as the karate did.

Rescue Heroes. I had never seen or heard of these guys before I bought a few for real cheap at the consignment sale because they looked colorful and masculine. They were an instant hit with Noah. If he's not playing video games, you can be sure he's got 4 Rescue Heroes in his hand. He keeps asking me to play and I am just so bad at that sort of play. He wants me to be the bad guy all the time. And I never know what to make my guy say. He has to coach me to keep my attention in their dialogue and cavorting. He even tells me how to move their arms around and models how I should flip them. Alas, I stink at it. My guilt builds daily over this new toy obsession and how pitiful a showing I am making at playing with my boy. Thankfully, Josh is a good sport at playing Rescue Heroes and he plays it attentively with him.

I did, however, build his Heroes a slammin' parking garage to stand guard over. That turned out to be an acceptable substitute, so that's got to count for something.

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