Aug 19, 2010

I Don't Do Mornings

Proof that I don't do mornings well. The situation is only made worse by the fact that now I (and the kids, of course) have to be up, packed, presentable, and out of the house by 7:45.
  1. Noah was already sent to time-out within 15 minutes of waking up today.
  2. Anna had to settle for the second half of Noah's banana that I fished out of the trash.
  3. I do my make-up at the kitchen counter now.
  4. Noah's shirt got wet down the front from his tooth-brushing (which he insists on doing by himself) and I refused to go upstairs to replace it. I'd warned him. We just trusted it'd be dry before we got there.
  5. On the way to school, Noah piped up, "Mommy, guess what I got? Bananas in my nose."
  6. The first thing out of Noah's mouth when he got to his classroom, "Guess what, Mrs. Cindy? I got bananas in my nose."
  7. At his school, I got the kids out of the car, walked Noah to his class, chatted with his teacher a moment, and mozied back out with Anna. It was THEN that I realized the back door of the car had been hanging wide open all along ... and had been taking up another parking spot no less! How embarrassing. In my defense, Noah left it open. Letting a 4 year-old climb out of the car all by himself is just plain hazardous.
  8. It is 10:15 right now and I STILL have not had breakfast. Been to Noah's school, Wal-Mart, Anna's MDO, snapped some pictures, gotten the mail, fed the fish, put up groceries, hunted down a receipt for a return, put away the trash cans, and blogged. But I have NOT fed myself yet.
  9. Yesterday I forgot to dress Noah in his chapel uniform for school. It was MY kid in street duds while all the rest were spiffy and uniform. Who is this woman that calls herself Kimmie Brown? Surely that's not me! Never fear Noah. God heard you singing "Deep and Wide" no matter what you wore!
  10. I don't really have a tenth line item, but I just couldn't leave number 10 hanging out here unfinished. Something, something, has to go right in my morning. A top ten list of things that went wrong is just the irony I need to make me laugh and know that it's all alright. :)


Amy Faye Brown said...

What can go right? How about your two kids have a devoted mama who adores them? Don't sweat the small stuff - although it did make me laugh. Roll with the punches and all that good stuff - your children are blessed.

Kimberly said...

Oh, trust me, I, too, was chuckling about it all as I typed. It's good when you can laugh at the mess you are. :)

Thanks for the kind words, Amy. On a day like today when I just got a virtual earful of ugly words from my mom (yes, again), it is a welcome relief to hear something life-giving.

Amy Faye Brown said...

I'm so sorry, thought maybe all that was a thing of the past.

Kimberly said...

Yeah, I thought it was, too. Kinda got blindsided. Should've known though.

Unknown said...

What a rough morning! Hang in there. Any sort of new routine is bound to make everyone a bit crazy. When Jacob starts school in a little over 2 weeks I know I'll be pulling my hair out. Especially since I have to go out of town for 3 of the days his first week and leave Robbie to get the kids where they need to be and be at work by 7:45. It will be nuts!