Aug 14, 2010

Only in Nashville

Our next-door neighbor got a surprise party today, right now actually, for his 50th birthday. It's quite a big deal. People dressed in 50's outfits, tents set up in the backyard, food, food, food, cars parked up and down the street. Josh is there with Noah to testify to its reality. I opted to stay home with Anna, who would most certainly crash the party if we let her.

There's a beautiful pink Cadillac parked in front of their house (and subsequently ours, too).

The pink Cadillac sported Marilyn Monroe (blonde wig, feather boa, cleavage, and white flowy dress included) greeting our neighbor just moments ago as he got home.

Our neighbor, you might remember, is an Elvis impersonator himself. Has a giant "Elvis for Hire" magnet on his car at all times. Does it for a living. I still marvel at that - making a living off of playing dress-up.

It was just something to see. I couldn't help but grin as wide as our neighbor himself as I spied off-duty Elvis being stroked by Marilyn, hired by his wife, jiggling all her parts and flirting shamelessly with him in front of his 2 elementary age sons.

Seriously, folks. Only in Nashville.

Omigosh...even now as I type, Elvis is dressed up himself (sparkly white tasseled jumpsuit, red scarf, glasses larger than any man should ever wear) and posing for pics again in front of the pink Cadillac with Marilyn Monroe on one arm and his wife in a poodle skirt on the other. And now they are taking pics with various party goers. It's hard to pass this photo-op up, folks! Oh my word, Now I see Josh and Noah making good on the moment and getting a pic with the celebs as well. I could cry, it is so funny to me. For sure, that photo will go right here as soon as I get a copy!

All we need is Dolly Parton and we could open a theme park right here on the cul-de-sac. Scratch that - Josh tells me this Marilyn Monroe moonlights as Tina Turner later on in the party.

Only in Nashville, y'all ... and all in a day's work.


Emily said...

bwahhhhaaahahaa!!! I can't even imagine!! DEFINITELY post a picture!!!!

Emily said...

hahahaha!!!!!! I see Marilyn's hand on your hubb's hand! Better watch out! :) That's awesome...

Unknown said...

oh my gosh! what a hoot. I'd always be spying on the comings and goings there. LOL