Jul 5, 2009

Quote: True Worship

Since we have been going to Long Hollow Baptist, I have really been challenged by a number of sermons, songs, and small group discussions we have been a part of. In particular, a sermon several weeks back called True Worship by guest speaker David Nasser really spoke to Josh and myself, and there was a quote I can't get out of my head from that sermon. And earlier while I was feeding Anna I was thinking about how I used to keep lists and lists of good quotes in high school and college. So, I decided to start keeping track of quotes again here on my blog. Starting with this one...

"Christians don't tell lies. They just go to church and sing them." - A.W. Tozer

btw - if you have the time, do watch that sermon. Very powerful message. David Nasser has been a standout speaker to me ever since the first time I heard him speak at Liberty University during one Spiritual Emphasis Week. I can still tell you what he spoke about that night, I can still tell you certain lines I remember, I can still vividly picture the view from where I was sitting in the gym - it was that good a message. Turns out, he is a regular guest speaker here at Long Hollow and I couldn't be more pleased. (other coincidental tidbits - he lives in AL, he is an adoptive parent, and he is the author of one of the books I have been reading)

1 comment:

Gina said...

We have seen David Nasser speak several times and have always enjoyed it. I, too, remember very specific stories and points he made. Our senior year of high school, he spoke at a summer camp, and I still remember a talk he gave about what to do if we were in traditional churches that didn't have "modern worship." He basically said we should worship our hearts out no matter where we were and not to worry so much about changing our church. Most of us HS kids didn't like it at the time, but I've always remembered that wise statement and appreciated that he was so willing to say something that was very unpopular at the time.

Had no idea he was an adoptive parent, either. Very cool.