Jul 22, 2009

Our Daily Noah

What follows are things we hear from Noah on a daily basis.

When I get out of the shower: "Mommy, hair mess. Cwean it."

When he wants to use the potty all by himself: "Pysee pwease." (Privacy please)

When he thinks there is still a chance to change our minds: "Pwease? ... Pwease?...." and repeat, etc.

When I comment on his wearing big boy underwear: "Mommy too big underwear. Mommy wear pull ups." I'm still trying to understand the logic to this one. And wonder if I should feel offended. :)

When I asked where Anna was: "Anna outside Daddy take twash wain." (Anna is outside with Daddy taking the trash out in the rain). - ok, so he only said that once, but I really though it was a remarkable mouthful for him.

When he is anticipating feeling sad or already feeling sad: in his puniest voice, "Noah cwy." (I'll cry.)

When Anna is being fussy and whiny: "Mommy, Anna nak, Mommy." (Mommy, Anna needs a nap, Mommy.)

Multiple times a day, Noah will say: "Mommy, Anna cue baby, Mommy." (Mommy, Anna is a cute baby, Mommy.)

Before he takes a bath with Anna, Noah will warn: "Anna, no poo poo in bath, no, no!"

When something doesn't go like we planned, "Mommy, Wah twy again waiter." (Mommy, I try again later). usually in reference to failing to not cry during his allergy shots, or pee without making a mess, or keep his pull up dry.

When his spinner lands on the dog in Hi Ho Cherry-Oh! and he has to put berries back on the tree, he invariably announces: "Doggie ate my dawbehwies." - which is so funny because there are no strawberries in the game, only cherries, oranges, apples, and blueberries.

When I am checking email (or anything on the computer at all, really): "Mommy checking meeno."

When I am getting him some food: "Mommy, Wah eat at my taybo." (Mommy, I want to eat at my table.)

1 comment:

Emily said...

Those are so good! Fun quotes!