Jul 8, 2009

Family Funnies

Anna pooped in the bath the other night and I could hardly catch my breath from laughing so hard when Josh started howling and moaning in panic once he spotted the contaminants while bathing her. All I could do was scramble to get Noah out of the tub and in all the hullabaloo of our shock and laughing, Noah fell into tears, not quite sure what to make of the ruckus. Which only made us laugh some more...once we calmed him down of course. ;)

Josh set Noah up with an ice cream sandwich yesterday. Noah was so antsy to get that goody into his hands and keep anyone from taking it he kept telling Anna; "Go away! Anna, go away!" Several minutes after leaving Noah be with his treat I saw him picking paper out of his mouth. Yes, that ravenous little guy ate the ice cream sandwich, paper and all!

Noah likes to sing the Happy Birthday song lately, so you can imagine his joy at being told that Daddy's birthday is coming up. No sooner had I tipped him off than he started a round of the tune for his Daddy. I then asked him what he thinks we should get Daddy for his birthday. Noah thought and thought and decided on a dinosaur. After I stopped giggling, I told him Daddy already has dinosaurs. I asked him what else we could maybe get for Daddy. Noah thought and thought and decided on "treats". Yes, yes, I say. We will get Daddy a birthday cake for his treat. But we still need a present for him. So I asked Noah a third time, and clearly he thought we were looking for something more boring than the dinosaurs and treats he came up with, because after another moment of pondering he decided his Daddy should get ... drumroll please ... a book. --- Eh, it's a step in the right direction, I guess. We'll work on it. :)

I have said before how interested Noah is in all of Anna's dirty diapers. It will not surprise you to know then that when Josh got some binoculars in the mail today that Noah used them to view Anna's next dirty diaper. Boys.


Laura Koslowsky said...

Love the stories! The first one about Anna pooping in the bathtub reminds me of my two. The same thing happened with Leah and David when they were about the ages of your two. David was afraid to take baths with Leah for weeks. Every time she passed gas in the tub, he would jump and freak out :) and Yes boys are so funny! (regarding the last story involving Noah's interest in the messy diapers). David convinced me this evening to let him have a mohawk for the summer. Leah was horrified and really thought her brother looked silly. David just looked at her and said, "Leah, It's a guy thing."

Emily said...

Those were so fun dude! Brooklyn sings happy birthday to herself these days, since we've told her that HER birthday is finally in this month.
Noah's a cutie! Can't wait to see y'all

Kimberly said...

Laura, oh the stories we could swap,even better, the stories you could tell that I could learn from, I am sure! Josh won't let me tell some funny ones of Noah's though - I think he thinks it would be too impolite, or that Noah would die a thousand deaths to read them later on. You can probably guess - having a boy yourself. :) Anyway - that mohawk style has really grown on me. If Noah wants one, i would so let him! David's mohawk defense to his sister is too funny. :)

Memaw said...

Thanks for reminding me that I have to get
Matthew's birthday card next week and Amy's
(the 23rd).