Jul 7, 2009

I have a few quirks...

I totally heart styrofoam cups. I will keep them when I get them from a restaurant and use them all day long.

I heart Backgammon. I play it multiple times a day. I don't think I will ever tire of it.

I am kind of obsessive about wiping down my counters. Ok, not kind of. Very obsessive.

The first thing I do every time I walk in the door is take off my watch, bracelet, ring and shoes.

I can't stand to have the blinds open when it's dark outside.

I drop any and every thing you can possibly drop, especially food onto my clothes. And I almost never make a basket when I am tossing trash into the trash can.

As I have said before, I am a phone-a-phobic.

Touching the inside of the sink GUHrosses me out! Ohhh, the germs.

I throw away sponges frequently...paranoid about the germs.

If I go to a store to use a certain coupon or gift card, it is almost certain that by the time I check out, I forget to use the coupon or card I came there to use in the first place and then I am spitting mad when I realize that I forgot.

It bugs the heck outta me when I see Jesus fish on cars backwards.

I do not eat meat directly off the bone. Freaks me out.

I still HAVE TO HAVE Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers on hand at all times. And I have since the 7th grade.

I sleep with 3 pillows and a body pillow and now ear plugs, too.

I do NOT eat mushrooms, bananas, or seafood.

I do not drink cokes out of a can ... must have cup, ice, straw.

I wash/sanitize hands (mine and the kids) every time I leave a public place as soon as we get in the car.

I am always preoccupied with the temps in Anna's and Noah's rooms.

I have had to retrain my brain to not feel discouraged when people don't comment on my blog or drop a line to say hi. I really like and miss that interaction, but I have to remind myself I am doing this for the fun of it and for saving my family's memories.

Salespeople stress me out. I just wanna be left alone when I am shopping.

I reorganize things a lot.

I bite the inside of my cheeks and lip when I am stressed or preoccupied.

I twirl my hair without even thinking about it.

I tip well and I pay babysitters really well.


Emily said...

SOOOOOOOO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember that dr. pepper lipsmackers!! hahaha. OH I hate coke outside of its can. gets too watered down and the fizz dies too quickly. You forgot to add that you can't stand clutter...like near OCD about it. Or is that a friend of mine...I'm confused.

Kimberly said...

Oh, that's me on the clutter, except I just call that good common sense. ;)

Heather said...

Oh, the Dr. Pepper lipsmackers. Remember that one! Yuck, meat off a bone...totally agree! I have to have Kore cut it off for me if I am served it. I too have three pillows plus the body pillow. Kore calls it my wall between me and him. Sorry, Kore! Can't sleep without it! No ear plugs, thankfully. Great list!

Emily said...

Kimberly, you just wouldn't survive any substantial visit at my house then...you were probably have panic attacks every morning you'd wake up...seeing the clutter, seeing the counters, haha. Our next house will have a place for everything...hopefully.

Alison said...

I guess today was a good day to catch up on your blog - It's nothing personal I promise - I'm behind on everyone's blogs!!

Oh, and have you tried Lysol Wipes? We use them ALL the time. Wipe the counters, tables, high chairs, etc. down and then just throw away! So cheap!

Bill and Melodie said...

I'll post so you won't feel bothered.

Kimberly said...

Hey stinkers (translation sweet friends) - I promise that was not a cry for help! You do not need to post just to keep me from crying all over myself and falling into a pit of despair. :)

Just be yourselves and comment when you feel like it.

Besides, I'm pretty sure the Lord is teaching me about pride. Which means I must need to learn it. Ouch.

Kimberly said...

Alison - oh yes, Lysol wipes and I have been introduced. :) Only I liked the Clorox wipes better, but I can't remember why now.

Unknown said...

I love this post. I see now why we hit it off so well in college...we had no choice but to retreat to our little crowded corner, since we were thrown into the pit of disgust with our fellow roomie, Cheri. I'm laughing at the time you put the duct tape over her drawer to show her where the nats were coming from. And her dirty undergarments laying around on her side. EWWWWWWWW (sorry readers for that visual)

Anyway, I hear ya on the counter and handsanitizer and I LOVE Clorox wipes better too. Must be the green ones though. I get all excited at the Target cleaning section. Check out the new scotch dusting clothes. I've upgraded from torn up tshirts.

I get all sweaty when I use coupons too from trying to remember them and forgetting to look at the date. It's too much work. Not sure it's worth it for a few cents off.

Unknown said...

Ummmm. Cheri isn't a member of your blog, is she? I'm assuming not but please say "no".

Kimberly said...

Shannon - Yeah, the gnats in her nasty moldy coffee cup really took the cake for unforgettable moments. I think one of the funniest memories with you from college is the time I super glued my eye shut and my hand to my eye all in one stupid motion and you were no help to me in my panic because you were rolling on the floor laughing so hard! Huh-larious.

And that night we did all those pranks in the hall bathroom...do buttery toilet lids ring a bell?

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Okay... seriously... I've never played backgammon and didn't even really know what it was... I just wikipediaed (is that a word?) it and realized my brain is too tired to even try to read and figure it out... too tired from thinking/speaking Czech for 3 hours today. Ugh.

I too HATE germy sponges... so I never use them. I prefer dish cloths that I can throw in the washing machine... unfortunately there were none but the "throw-away variety" to be found here so after months of looking I asked my mom to mail some to me. :)

Preoccupied with the temps? How do you even know what temp it is in their rooms?!? And twirling my hair has never been on my "list of things I do" until recently... I too find myself doing it... often during Czech class. I wonder why we do things like that?

Unknown said...

Oh Kim! The glue incident...how could I ever forget. LOL That was sooooo funny. Yes, we had some fun that night pulling pranks. Buttering toilet seats, I think we actually got someone with that. Remember when we put peanut butter on Cheri's toothbrush? When you mess with someone's toothbrush, you better hide yours. I think someone poured water in my bed too. Oh good times.

Kimberly said...

Oh Elizabeth - you would be surprised the temp variance from room to room depending on location, floor level, damper adjustments, venting, fan speeds, doors open or closed, etc, etc. You just wait...one day when little Shannon or Elizabeth Jr. comes along, you will worry they are freezing or sweltering away with no way to tell you they are uncomfortable, too. And then you will think of me and know my genius:) Anyway, We have a remote thermometer in Noah's room that tells us in our room what his is. And Anna's baby monitor transmits room temp. too.