Jul 19, 2009

Pre-Birthday Weekend

We had Josh's b'day this weekend since he'll be out of town for it (Monday)

We've had wonderful weather all weekend (temps. in the 70's)

Ripped up the garden and planted new grass (except for tomato plants)

Josh is sick still (got a steroid shot to help it along)

I went to see a matinee showing of Harry Potter (still a packed house)

Noah stands up to pee now (creating all kinds of new messes)

Got Josh some birthday gifts (cologne, fire truck, and a backpack)

We got Josh a cake (carrot at his request)

Noah and I got slices of other cakes (raspberry and marble cheesecake)

Noah met with one of every kid's rites of passage (getting lost in Wal-mart)

Noah fell down the stairs for the 1st time (no injuries - only tears)

Josh and Noah got bikes (Noah's with training wheels, Josh's with kiddie trailer)

Rachel and her daughter Rosalyn came over to play (all Noah has to say about the day is that "Wahwyn took my hat")


Emily said...

Hey dude, I got all caught up in other things...I didn't get a chance to read it... *huffy sigh*
I'm jealous you got to see Harry Potter already...I heard it was good.
Happy birthday to Josh.
I think I would have FREAKED if I lost Brooklyn in one our Walmarts! FREAKED>>>....

Kimberly said...

There were varying levels of sick flooding my body with every step I took and couldn't find him, with every thought that said maybe you are heading in the opposite direction he is, every unanswered yell for Noah that I made. And it didn't help that people sort of stared. Except for this man and another couple who helped reunite us with our little misguided Wal-Mart shopper.

Emily said...

How long was he lost for? How far away was he? Where did you find him?
Now that I think about it...Natalie will be the one I lose in Walmart...so she'll definately be wearing the puppy dog backpack harness. Brooklyn pretty much freaks out if I start walking away from her and yelling out my name. THough I wouldn't put it past her either.
So stinking scary!

Unknown said...

I have felt that rush of blood that runs wild through your body when your child is lost. I lost Jacob in a hay maze last fall and it was so scary. It wasn't that big but I was alone with him and was so afraid he would come out and be out there and I stuck inside. It was the scariest thing ever. A little boy found him for me. There are no words!

Anyway...you made me want some cake now:-)

Alison said...

Levi likes to "hide" in the clothing racks - it has made for some very panic stricken moments in stores!!

also, congrats on the standing up. That has made all the difference in public restrooms. I am just dreading potty training a girl!!