Jul 5, 2009

July 4th Weekend Happenings

Took car to get a/c fixed but it ended up not being fixed still

Reminisced about how this time last year we had just gotten a contract on our house in AL

Got a bigger pool. I'm not saying it's as purty as an inground pool, but it does the job with less funds and less commitment and less maintenance on our part and we kinda like it already. We have been swimming 3 times already this weekend. Just go ahead and add another Redneck tally to our total for more plastic stuff in the yard. :)

Installed an under-the-cabinet toaster oven

Had All-American cuisine: 4th of July cupcakes, burgers off the grill, watermelon w/salt, sweet tea, hot dogs, chips, smores, and chick-fil-a

Watched a couple good movies onDemand: Defiance and New in Town

Let Noah pick out some fireworks to shoot off with his Daddy. They made Anna cry. They made Noah anxious and he kept telling us to turn them off or to let us go back inside. He really liked the ones that made no sounds at all.

Put up Thomas and his entourage of trains for now in lieu of some wooden building blocks for Noah

And got Anna some blocks of her own in the form of a shape sorter. Nevermind that all she does it tear the lid off and dump them out and chew on them

Rain, Rain, Rain. But nice temps in the 80's

Noah, Anna and I got some hefty naps on Sunday afternoon

Wondering if Lee Greenwood is sick of his "Proud to be an American" song yet

Kept Anna Motrined up for what we think is teething ... finally ... we hope

Happy Belated 4th of July, all!


Emily said...

I"m actually a little jealous of the big blue blob ... we'll probably get one of those when we move. And looking forward to it too! Rednecks may be on to something...

Unknown said...

Nothing wrong with some extra plastic to keep yourself cool. It's better than getting in a tiny child side inflatable...oh yes I have! :-)

Yay for possible teeth!