May 29, 2009


WHY does Anna grin and chuckle at me every time I tell her "No!"

NOT a good sign for the coming years.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Oh no. I can imagine it's hard enough to tell her no when she's so cute... the giggle must make it that much worse. Just out of curiosity... what does she do when Josh tells her no? It's always interesting to me that kids respond so differently to their parents.

Kimberly said...

Oddly enough, I have never heard Josh tell her no. He says he did this morning, though, while I was sleeping. And she just sat up and looked at him. I can only speculate that she was trying to decide whether or not to take him seriously. You know, like she DOESN'T with me. :)

Although this morning I had to tell her no, and this time she stopped and just cried.