May 15, 2009

In-Laws In Town

So Josh's parents flew into town on Tuesday and we are busy busy busy enjoying the good company. Already we have hit Opry Mills (and carousel and Bass Pro Shop), Cheekwood Botanical Gardens & Art Museum, Noah's End-of-the-Year Field Day at MDO, and I believe the Grand Old Opry is still on our agenda for next week. We'll see ... there has been a little debate of late. :)

Josh and I got to go see a movie the other night (compliments of Memaw and Papa John babysitting) and Star Trek did not disappoint. Definitely recommend!

Noah's wonderful teacher, Mrs. Valerie. We miss her already.


Amy Faye Brown said...

say hello to the in-laws for me and tell memaw to check her email - it will explain about why she got the "chat"

Kate said...

We saw Star Trek last night (also thanks to the in-laws babysitting), and I loved it!