May 29, 2009

Fine Dining

Noah: Um Howngwy (I'm hungry)
Me: You're hungry?
Noah:(puppy dog eyes, head cocked down, sad and pathetic look)
Me: Ok. What would like for dinner?
Noah: mmmmm (thoughtful pause)...

Noah: (completely confident in his choice) Mawi-mehwoes.

Ah yes, a fine choice. Marshmallows.


Emily said...

haha! My diabetes nutrition lady said, "never ask a child what they want for supper. They will always want sugar." So funny!! Brooklyn always says something like "Ponies"-gummies or "red chips"-Doritos.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Too funny! Reading this makes me curious about what a Czech child would ask for... marshmallows are nonexistent here unless you buy them once a quarter or so when they appear at the imported grocery store. Recently when I tried to explain "smores" to two different Czechs they were both disgusted by how sweet it must be. Hmm... now I'll have to ask them about "kid junk food." So... did he get marshmallows for dessert? ;)

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth: Too interesting. Those poor Czech kiddos.

The story with those marshmallows he had on the brain was that he had had them earlier in the day for a snack. Actually fell asleep eating them. :) Too cute.