May 19, 2009

Catching Up

It's funny how behind and disorganized I feel when I know I haven't blogged in awhile. I just put Anna down for another nap, so I am stealing a few free minutes (because that is probably all she will sleep for) to catch up with my blogging.

We took Noah to his first movie this past week. Well, movie theater experience, at least. And he was all about it. At least until the popcorn ran out halfway through the Thomas the Train movie and he informed us he wanted to go home. So, we humored the boy and went home - because really, one can only take about 30 minutes of Thomas anyway...that show is a bit boring! One funny part of the experience was Noah squalling just as the movie started because he bit his tongue. Josh had to take Noah out of the theater to calm him down. So embarrassing.

Anna got another ear infection, no, double ear infection over the weekend - so that sucks. We took Noah to the allergist today for his bloodwork and skin test, and well, it was so bad that they are talking about the need to put Noah on immunotherapy (which is allergy shots) to try to control the situation - which is quite uncommon for kids so young. So upsetting. But it seems they will be the lesser of two/three evils. Here's hoping Noah grows to be "immune" to the shots. We will go talk with the dr. in two weeks to hash out our plan. On a positive note, Noah did not have a reaction to the dog part of the skin test!!! On the other end of that spectrum though, his peanut allergy has only worsened. It is now a 4 on a scale of 1-4. Guess that makes it pretty severe.

Josh's parents leave tomorrow, so we are going to take them out to a steak dinner tonight and my mouth is already watering. But I am pretty anxious about how Anna will behave for the meal. Such is life when the chillun's are so small. She has been a terror for several days now and not even the amoxycillin seems to provide her with any relief. Not that that would make any difference - she just stays angry any which way you put her.

She does seem to like being on her feet more and more though. How cute is this shot?

And, oh my gosh, she has grown like crazy these past 2 months! She's put on 1 3/4 lbs - she is up to 15.4 lbs now. :) Still, all the doctors seem to just gawk at her height...which I can't remember what it you can see how much I care about that. :) But it is apparently very tall for her age.


Heather said...

Oh, man! So sorry to hear about Anna's ear infections. What's the count now on those? Have you discussed ear tubes? What a difference!

For Noah, do you have to carry an epipen around? If someone has peanut butter on their fingers and wipes the table and then Noah touches it, can he have a reaction? We don't have any allergies here (except Kore with a cat), but pretty uneducated in that area, though not complaining!

Kimberly said...

Ear Infection Count to date: 3 in 5 mos! Tubes are still on our agenda if this keeps up, but for now her dr. thinks switching to sippy cups will help. I am skeptical...we'll see.

Yes, yes, yes, we have multiple epipens and at one is always on us or his bag wherever he goes. And yes, just fingers that have peanut butter residue can cause a reaction. I always feel like I am over-worrying his teachers/nursery workers when I remind them to separate him from kids with those sandwiches at lunch and to PLEASE wash their hands and tables after eating. Josh caused Noah's belly to break out once by kissing it after having a peanut butter sandwich earlier in the day. Scary!

Cat was one of his big reactions today too...but we already knew about that one. :)

Emily said...

stinking did you ever ask the dr about the tree nuts specifically? Like can I please bring cashews to your house without getting ostracised?! Or was he so sensitive to nuts in general that tree nuts were which case, I'll never think of bringing cashews on a trip that Noah is a part of again...

Kimberly said...

We are told all tree nuts are ok, but to proceed with caution and not to leave the differentiating in the hands of others who I can't always be sure will know the difference between tree nuts and peanuts.

So until I give you more ugly looks again, cashews should be ok. :)

Emily said...

awe! Thanks for the official "ok" on those tree nuts...Mom will be pleased too :)