Jul 26, 2017


Lasa is a brand spanking new TWO YEAR OLD today, y'all!  

Wow!  We celebrated today real low key at home with just a cupcake, two balloons, and two presents because we are saving cake and hoopla to do with Angelique this weekend, hopefully.  See here her new baby doll stroller which she adores and a play microwave which was hysterical to watch her open.  I am so sorry I didn't videotape it.  She squealed and gutteral screamed and ripped at paper and held it up mid-unwrap to shriek some more, soaking in the anticipation and the fun of the moment.  It.  Was.  Awesome.

But then we decided to go ahead and let her open the rest of her presents, not sure whether having her open OUR presents in front of Angelique would be somewhat uncomfortable, that being HER time with Lasa and all.  So anyway, rest of presents got opened after all.  Lasa was giddy!

Beyond the stroller and microwave, she got those necklaces you see around her neck, a kitty cat stuffed toy holding a cookie (her fave snack), this Little People dollhouse, some books, some play money, and those play kitchen condiments.

Every single thing was met with such delight and joy.  It was so fun.  Toddler toys are just so fun!

All day we have been singing Happy Birthday to You and all day she has been practicing saying how hold she is when asked.  "Two!" in the cutest, sharpest little voice ... reminds us of Anna's "two" back in the day.  She is seriously, seriously so much a two-year old, so it is really nice for it to be official at last.  Happy Birthday, our precious Lasalove!

  • Lasa, at TWO, has so many words under her belt and tries so many new ones every day, usually mimicking more and more of what we say in any given situation.  Phrases and sentences get longer and longer and it's so fun to notice happening.  Just for the fun/memory of it, I will list here some of her most used new words (that require translation still):
massy - messy
heeyuh - here
eeyuh - ear
geeko - twinkle
geer - scared
goo gol - good girl
wowah - an upgrade from bubba for Noah
nana - an upgrade from yaya for Anna
nash - snacks
yosh - yes
toosh - truth
see - sit/seat
dow - down
buuts - bullets
gassy - glasses
gussy - disgusting
fuh - frog
doos - juice
doy - dirty
mash - mess
pus - purse
oy- oil (as in for her scars/boo boos)
eee - eat
cuh cween - ice cream
too too kwain - train
tuh - tractor
fuhfwy - butterfly
onda - I want that
sie - sorry
veo -video
kits - carrots
mayo - mail
un too - for I want to, too
posh - pouch (food pouches)
puhpwane - airplane
weewo - Wiggles
nunyee - hungry
puhpad - iPad
do-dut - donut
kuhkay - okay
baby deeuh - baby deer
moo - more
tees - cheese
fafful - waffle
gickoo - pickle
gee - again
ho - home!
momma-ique - Momma Angelique
un, two, six, tine, down - how she counts - 1, 2, 6, 9, 10
Dee Daw, Cookie, Meme - Dear God, Cookie (please).  Amen.
Yas, pees - yes, please
hodjoo - hold you (as in, hold me!)
No, no, Noah!

Other particularly Lasa tidbits at this age:
  • She is always interested in what's in the trash and I often have to warn her to stay/get out of it.
  • She asks for cookies often and then asks for Memaw when she can't have cookies.
  • She holds her sippy cups in mouth without drinking, like a paci, for comfort.
  • She wallows/plays in her bed for up to 1.5 hours before going to sleep at night.
  • She gets really antsy and anxious when we are all busy and active around her.
  • She uses a spoon with ease now.
  • She recently upgraded to drinking from spoutless sippy cups.
  • She weighs 26 lbs 14 oz, so basically - 27 pounds which is 54th %ile.
  • She is 35 inches tall which is 87%ile. 
  • She used the potty for first time (twice) the day before birthday!
  • She is scared of any and all doctors and nurses that come near her at this point. :(
  • She takes Flonase nasal spray and Zyrtec and a toddler vitamin every day.
  • She currently wears size 6/7 shoes and size 2T clothes.
  • She has all her baby teeth now, including molars.  First denist appt coming up this fall!
  • She likes to share my boiled eggs and my cheese toast.  She likes to share every single thing Josh eats.
  • She likes to play in puddles.  Really anything water, honestly.  Rain, puddles, bath, pools, hot tub, water table, sprinklers, washing hands, spills, you name it!
  • She loves, loves, loves all the precious pretend play - baby dolls, dance, play kitchen, hair, store.  She plays is best and longest when Noah and Anna play it with her.  She is alive to each and every detail they do in those play scenarios.
  • She has been the quickest to employ her stepstool to see all the wonders of whats on counters.
  • Her favorite shows are Peppa the Pig, Wiggles, and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
  • Her favorite songs are Twinkle, Twinkle, Happy Birthday, and the ABC's.
  • Her bedtime is 8ish, wakes up between 8-9, naps midafternoon for @2 hours. I don't know how we never established a 7 oclock bedtime, but we wish we had!
  • She loves juice, coloring, attention, iPads, music, laughing, tickles, playgrounds, balloons, any foods that can be dipped, being chased, riding the child seat on Josh's bike, getting to enter Anna's room, running from us in stores, and being the boss of Noah.
  • She's easily the loudest, most demanding little spirit in the house. 
  • Her typical breakfast is milk and a breakfast bar, sometimes followed by dry cereal and grapes.
  • She has mastered climbing stairs but I am not ready to remove the baby gates just yet.
  • She no longer needs a high chair, so we are booster seat shopping.
  • She is just so great with sitting still while I do her hair.  Thankyou, Lord.
  • She no longer toddles in her walk. Her gait and step is smooth and sure. 
  • She has a great little grip on pencils and crayons.  That correct grip is a relief to my teacher heart.
  • She talks all the time!  And she has the most adorable babble speak that can't be distinguished yet.  She thinks she's speaking though.  
  • She has a really great growly, fierce voice she does.  We love it.  It's so amusing.
  • She has got sass, but she is not seeming to be strong-willed, thankyouLord.
  • She will be attending two different PDO programs this year for our homeschooling's sake. T/Th's and F's.
  • She struggles with sharing with her peers.  Age appropriate I know, but I can't wait to see her get over that one.
Lasa girl, you are are just the most fun little addition to our family and we love you, love you, love you to pieces.  And when I say, we, I mean all four of us.  Noah and Anna are as much your fans as your Daddy and I are.  I think there is a good chance you will always be the precious baby of our family and I can just tell already that you will thrive in and enjoy that position. :}  Your heart is light, your heart is happy, your heart is playful, your heart is precious!  You are beautiful, you keep us on our toes on an hour to hour basis, our schedules still pretty much revolve around yours, and we all just can't wait for your each and every new milestone.  I cannot believe it's been two years!  You are a welcome and wonderful adventure that is keeping us young (and tired some, too) and we cannot wait to see what designs the Lord unfolds in your life and what purposes he accomplishes through them.   We are so excited to watch you start to grow in your knowledge of the Lord in the coming year!

Happy Birthday, Precious Girl!  We love you, love you, love you.

Millions of Kisses,  Mommy


Elizabeth Bradley said...

This was so fun to read! Happy Birthday to your sweet Lasa Love! :-)

Kimberly said...

Thank you, friend!! ❤️