Jul 23, 2017

Journaling Exodus, Lev, and Numbers

I cannot even believe it has been SIX MONTHS since I last sat down with my colored pens/pencils/paints to ink my notes from my time in the Word!!  It's just a funny quirk about how my brain works ... I love the colorful infusion and practice of journaling, but on a day-to-day basis I stick with the reading and notes.  I sit down to ink multiple books all in one lucky weekend when/if I can.  And sometimes, clearly, those weekends are monthsandmonths apart.  HA!

I have so much more to catch up on, but for this week/weekend, I tackled my time in Exodus chiefly.  And then, because poor Leviticus had NOT A SINGLE NOTE from me and Numbers, poor thing, only had a handful itself, I went ahead and tossed them into this sitting.  I am not sure why I came up nil on Leviticus and Numbers.  Wrong season?  Head in the clouds while reading?  Numb heart? I don't know.  It just it what it was.  But Exodus?  Man, Exodus grabbed hold of my face would wouldn't let me look away.  Exodus'll PREACH.  And it moved me/spoke to me just as much in the colorful inking this weekend as it did when I went through it with my pencil monthssssss ago.  The Lord is so good to give me these words in specific seasons, to put his solid finger right on my nose and go, "Bingo! Rally that faith, my Kimmie. I got this!"  


After my stint in these three OT books, I jumped back into some NT reading.  Hopeful that it doesn't take me 6 months before I get them in color. I will never catch up at that rate! 

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