Jul 30, 2017

Turning 2 w/Momma Ique

For about six weeks now we have taken to referring to Angelique as Momma Angelique when speaking to Lasa. This was in response to her objecting to us calling her Miss Angelique to Lasa.  Fair enough.  Momma Angelique has been our compromise and Lasa has latched right onto the term and attached it to the face and voice of Angelique every time when we show her pics or let her hear one of her voice messages.  She gets excited to recognize her and says "Momma Ique!"  She has even begun to ask about her which is a new thing.  

Yesterday, her asking for Momma Ique was met with an actual visit with Momma Angelique to celebrate her second birthday with her.  We met up at Peay Park as usual and Angelique and Rodney brought cake, balloons, gifts, a banner, and even their dog Honey.  

The visit went smoothly.  Angelique had her mom call in to wish Lasa a Happy Birthday.  She also dropped a mention of Lasa's "father" (who I will henceforth refer to as birthfather) planning to come to our next visit and that he has some things for her.  That was a bit of a bomb to drop and it will certainly be a first!.  Needless to say, it had our minds spinning the rest of the night, no matter how cool and calm a face we put on in response.  There are a number of implications/ramifications that will come of that if he does come, as the timing is pretty involved considering TPR proceedings and all.   Josh told her before we left that he is excited to meet this Rodney and knows how important this info will be to Lasa as the years go by.  This seemed to take her back a few notches, so I can't help but wonder if we called her bluff on this, on his interest at all if any.  We shall see if he really does come around at all.  After two years of nothing at all, it is doubtful.  When Josh asked for his last name, she would not give it, but confirmed that his first name is indeed Rodney.  After some researching online last night, I think I have located exactly which Rodney it is and ... well ... suffice to say, it was a bit much to take in.  But at least we {almost} have a name for this missing person for Lasa's atty to look into as he will be a loose end for us to need to wrap up before adoption can ever be possible.  Wish us luck in that!

Before I go, a few more pics from before the visit, all dolled up in her Birthday Girl shirt.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Oh my. So much drama. I'm honestly surprised by the turn of events with A, but perhaps I shouldn't be. Sigh. Will be praying for you all.

Kimberly said...

By the birthfather bomb, you mean? Or by the friendly visit with angelique?! 😏 And yes, thank you for continuing to cover all these moving parts in prayer!

Amy Faye Brown said...

That you go and make effort just boggles my mind as I think of the emotions and worries and juggling of schedules involved. You inspire.

Side note: yeah, I think that sweet sass is strong with this one. Her bottom photos, especially that side eye, are killer cute!

Kimberly said...

That's Josh's fave, too. 👀