Jul 27, 2017

15th Anniversary

On this, our 15th Anniversary, 

we have completed the final things needed after a month's worth of work collecting items and running errands and completing appts for a giant checklist of paperwork, documentation, and forms detailing pretty much the entirety of our married life and family life and financial life and insurance life and and and. All very tedious and technical stuff for yet another homestudy.  All very much a part of real life and our 15 years. 

So I guess I will call this a fitting anniversary gift.  Getting this beast done!  HA!

Not to worry though, we enjoyed a couple dinners out last week with Lasa while the kids were in VBS and we got a couple purchases for the fun of it for our anniversary.  Last year we got something new for the bedroom (new comforter).  This year we got something for the living room (It's so good to be home pic)...

and something for the kitchen - new flatware; I have been wanting us to upgrade for yearsss. 

And Josh brought home flowers to mark the day, too.  So there's that! :) 

Anyway, 15 years!  Wow!  I remember when 15 years sounded like an anniversary a couple old people would be marking, which we would never be.  HA!  I like the sound of 15, though.  It's a good, solid, round number! Proud of our track record for teamwork, peace, love, family, faith, and home.  ❤️  Thank you, Lord for these gifts and these years with my Josh. 

Also, an afterthought of advice I will start sharing with young couples planning a wedding - Don't wait til the end of July to get married.  It's just too hectic a time of year to celebrate in real life once real life happens and you have kids.  You are dying from summer activity and heat and just clawing your way through back to school stuff.  Off season weddings are just better.  In fact, while I am on the topic of advice/do-overs if I could go back and talk to young engaged Josh and Kimmie, I would advise them to just elope.  If I could do anything over, it would be that!  Maybe I will pitch to Josh that we should start celebrating our anniversary on our actual engagement date instead - Jan. 4.  I always remember that date/memory much more fondly anyway. 😍 Wish me luck!


Cindy said...

Happy Anniversary! I really wanted to elope too, but James' family really wanted to see us get married at St. Aloysius church. December 20th is also a terrible day to try to celebrate an anniversary :-)

Kimberly said...

Yes! I hear you!