Jul 20, 2017

Josh's 39th

Josh turned 39 today!  Since it is midweek and he still isn't even home from work, we are so glad we celebrated his birthday this past weekend instead.  Nothing fancy, but that's our favorite way to roll ... simple.  He got sweets from Anna, garden gnomes for the greenhouse, and a rock painting kit to mark different rows of plants.  Anna made german chocolate birthday cake, at his request.

How dear is a man who is described by his children in terms like these.  She's not just being gushy or sentimental.  He really is all these things.  

Anna gets all in the birthday spirit no matter how low key we try to keep things.  She made this Birthday Survey for the Birthday Boy and I couldn't NOT post it!  Today she made another card for Daddy and put it under his pillow while lamenting that he had to go to work on his birthday.

We count the hot tub for this year's birthday present again because we are still paying it off.  HA!  Reallife.  But we have splurged a little, too, and gone out to eat twice this week while Noah and Anna have been at VBS each night and we have plans to double date with some friends tomorrow night again.  Works for us!

Here's hoping Josh's birthday wish this year was that we can have a completed adoption by his birthday next year.  Please, Lord!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Sweet, sweet birthday celebration.

Just a hint: 40 ain't so bad.

Kimberly said...

Ha! Anna sure got dramatic on her card about it though, didn't she. :} I kinda like the sound of forty, so I lean toward your take. ;)

Emily said...

Happy very belated birthday to Josh!!