Jul 20, 2017

TPR Update

So, Josh and I were gonna wait til August to check in with Lasa's atty again to see how things were going as we near our Aug. 21st court date.  In so doing, it would be good to be reassured that she is doing anything at all. Ha!  Seriously, it's hard not to worry when you don't hear anything and can't keep tabs on progress or attention to your case.  But, since we don't wanna wear out our welcome contacting her, we have held off for a bit.  In reality, she is Lasa's atty and not ours, soooooo... you see how that can be a weird technicality to have to tiptoe around and respect and not take advantage of.  It's a real discipline in my faith -  trusting that God is really the one over this and not just the atty.

Anyway, as the months have passed the Lord has really been opening my eyes to different reassurances in his word that can apply to this situation we are in with Angelique.  It's hard to describe because the instances are so personal, but worth sharing here how intense it was for me this past week and then last night especially. Such perfectly timed truths came up in my reading - I marked them with Lasa's name and the year just like I did last April when a similar thing happened between me and the Lord.  I cried and prayed and praised the Lord for how tenderly he deals with me and grows my faith when I am wobbly.  And then, I was so stirred, I could not sleep at that point.  So I prayed about many, many people and situations that have been on my heart and mind this month, this week.  I prayed myself to sleep ... but not til almost 3.  It was a long, involved, but so encouraging night!  In the course of the last month, I have gone from having 50/50 hope that TPR will be granted to a growing excitement in what I really believe the Lord will allow to come to pass, despite the odds Lasa's atty has forewarned us about.  I can't help but see favor coming ahead in this pursuit now. Somehow.  I realize that is risky to believe.  But even if I end up wrong, I have the assurance that even the No will be right in that case and I will walk on with that and not wobble in doubt about it.  Seriously!

Which leads me to this morning, fresh off that high from last night.  I had a text from a friend saying she'd just popped her reference letter for our homestudy in the mail.  And then we got this email from Lasa's atty ... giving updates, answering certain questions we were wanting to ask, and also giving seeming setbacks ... that I don't feel like will be setbacks in the end.  My excitement grows.  But yes, our August court date is now NOT so much, which is a bummer, yes, but read on....

From: Lisa Fiehweg <lisa@hhpfirm.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 3:25 PM
To: Joshua Brown <joshua.brown@lssd.org>


I wanted to update you that we had a Motion hearing for Ms. Summers to get a court reporter paid by the AOC to take your deposition.  This is why we were not able to do the original deposition.  In any event, we both received permission to have a court reporter get paid to take depositions of both you and Kim and also the mother.  I will be sending Ms. Summers some dates and then let you know.  Because we needed to push these depositions back for the state to pay, we also had to continue the trial out further.  Unfortunately, the next trial date available is December 11, 2017.  We will have a status date of 11/14/17 where we will make sure everyone is ready for the trial to proceed.  If the depositions go well, Ms. Carr's attorney may be able to discuss a surrender with her.  I hope it works out that way because it is much quicker.

Lisa M. Fiehweg
Lisa M. Fiehweg
525 4th Ave South
NashvilleTennessee 37210
When Josh forwarded me this message this morning, he commented that he is confident that there is purpose in this wait and that he is excited to see what God will do this time around.  For his confident instinct about this delay I also praise the Lord.  It is a confirmation for me in itself.  Thankful!  I was also encouraged to read Lisa bringing up discussion about surrender (and open adoption agreements) which, I think, will make a difference to Angelique if we can just get around to that point in the legal timeline.  Her voluntarily signing would be a best case scenario and is what I pray for most -  a miracle change of heart in her regarding the realities of Lasa's situation.
So, we wait some more.  We document some more months as they go by.  We watch and see.  We wait patiently and expectantly.  We mind our P's and Q's so that Angelique can have no excuse for any of her choices/absences thus far.  I am tired of waiting, yes, but finding such peace in His presence while we do.  I am finding such joy in a journey that could otherwise be wearing me down.  Indeed it WAS wearing me down ... until this week in His Word specifically.  Thankful again! 

And thankful for our friends and family that care so much with us about this.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers regarding this outcome. 


Amy Faye Brown said...

I think the push back will give more time to prove her lack of support and concern.

Continued prayers.

Kimberly said...

Yes! We think that, too!