Sep 1, 2013

Profiling our Playroom

Yesterday, I got down in the floor of the play room and re-sorted out the mess that was there from many lazy clean-ups my kids have pretended to do.  Today, I even went so far as to whip out the label maker in there, too!  I figured, then, that I ought to snap some shots of our beloved play space before it gets (a) wrecked again or (b) transformed back into a dining room.  I wanna remember this phase of that room and our life. ♥

From the doorway and from left to right around the room...

We have our socks/shoes station.  And yes, I know it's quite lopsided that Anna has three rows of shoes to Noah's one. Facts of life, people. Real life FACTS.

Dress up gear.  This area gets a LOT of action.  Sadly, usually all this stuff is piled up on the floor, hidden behind the rack, or strewn all around the room. Anna is a mess, y'all.  MESS.

Storage cubbies for all our little treasures and goodies, newly labeled, thankyouverymuch.  Our categories are as follows:  Anna's Girly Stuff, Mixed Toys, Animals, Characters, Babies/Barbies, Instruments, Vehicles, and Battle stuff.  Lots of stuff, y'all.  Just STUFF.

Shelf of games, clearly. To the right of this is another smaller shelf, but it is just sort of a mish-mash of stuff that doesn't have a home.  It didn't make the cut for pics for this post, poor thing. :S

Tub of play-kitchen stuff and Anna's artsy, crafty work desk.  These two spots in the room also get a lot of action.  Our marble maze stash also lives here, as you can see. This ends up being the messiest area of the room and it makes me want to pluck my eyeballs out quite often.  Lots of plastic food pieces and dishes get left out and many, many, many post-it notes, scraps, and teeny, tiny, pieces of paper snips.  MANY snips. Oh, the snips.

And finally, a shot of the building blocks that capture my heart every time my babies use them. I love these things and the masterpieces my kids create.  And somehow, I don't mind the knocked-down ruins of creations that always seem to end up in the hallway when they are done.  I love them that much.  The blocks, I mean.  The kiddos, too, I guess.  HA! 

Now that I look again, another important spot lives in this shot, too.  That orange organizer there has all of Anna's barrettes and bows and ponytail holders and brush and hair detangler on top.  This is where we always do Anna's hair.

And with that, you have the full tour of our playroom ... for now.  ♥


Emily said...

I just organized the kids rid of a big ole black bag of junk....paper strips....strips....yes, understand your hate of those tiny little pieces of paper strips..... a haha!!!

Kimberly said...
