Sep 23, 2013

Out of Doors

Some snapshots of stuff that's happening around here out of doors. :)

Noah's doing a LOT of practicing in the street, working on his hitting and fielding.  Noah's good buddy, Pearson, gets a lot of time with him in the process since he lives two doors over.  And it just so happens that Pearson's father is a baseball trainer so he has been giving our boy some helpful pointers while they play.  Look at that hit!

We sold our Little Tikes kiddie table on the back porch and put away the play-doh for awhile.  Then we pressure washed the deck and rug and now we just sit back and enjoy the absence of stains and clutter all the time.  The temps in the 70s don't hurt either.  I love you, Fall!

Noah's been learning about the Nile River and how the early Egyptians built canals to direct the extra water to their crops from the yearly flooding that happens along the river.  So Noah tried his hand at digging some canals of his own.  Worked like a charm!

Noah also has it in mind to start catching more bugs for pets like a character in a book we are reading.  So he and Josh put their mind to it yesterday and flat out built a bug box of their own.  Turned out great! By nightfall, we had two daddy-long-legs, two moths, a cricket, and some sort of beetle inside.

And while not necessarily outdoors in itself, this is a scene of something that is outdoors so we'll count it. :}  Noah recreated a desert habitat to match the deserts we were talking about in science.  Love his eagerness to extend his learning with projects of his own!  He included saguaro cacti, scorpions, rocks, spiders, sand, and snakes. :)


Emily said...

that's awesome! I'd just heard about using legos or playdoh this weekend to help teach the kids about a bible making them re create a scene or bible story from 'em....

Way to go Noah, and I'm am just more and more impressed with Josh...that man can create anything from scratch. What great skills Noah is learning!
Lee is (what I call) giddy about teaching Jack the stuff he loves to do too....he plans to build a decent sized RC car when he's a smidge older. Our men are just stinkin' awesome.

Kimberly said...

They sure are! So thankful for them.