Sep 18, 2013

In Which Kimmie Grows Herbs

Say hello to my new little friends - Oregano, Cilantro, Parsley, Basil, and (hopefully) Chives. :)  Aren't they so cute?  They sure smell great!

I have never had any interest in growing my own herbs.  I really wouldn't even be doing it now if a neighbor hadn't brought over this garden set she snagged for all of us in the cul-de-sac for only $1 a pop.  It's not like I even know what to do with these ingredients in the kitchen, but I thought I'd just go ahead and give it a go.  Wish me luck!

For the record, I still have a tomato plant that is producing.  And out of nowhere, we have two wild tomato plants growing in random spots in the yard.  I think those come compliments of Chewie snagging tomatoes somewhere along the way and then fertilizing the yard not long after?  Isn't life funny?


Cindy said...

Ooooooh... I'll take some off your hands if you have extra to spare. I need to grow my own, because they are expensive from the store. Let me know how yours do.

Kimberly said...

You bet!