May 11, 2013

Field Day 2013

We can't seem to dodge the weather bullet these past three weeks.  Three Saturdays in a row, Noah's tball games have been cancelled.  Friday's Field Day would also have been cancelled if the staff weren't so quick on their feet and bumped it up a day for this past Thursday.  It was the perfect day for outdoor fun!  But first, all the first graders took part in their long-anticipated and much-practiced for Math Bee.  Noah did better than I expected, making it through 4 rounds.  :)

Then it was on to some more active competition!

Anna was a good sport and found ways to keep busy while Mommy snapped pictures of Noah.

I love this shot of Noah getting antsy cheering on a teammate.  

This year there was a carnival area with lots of big blow-ups.  They kids went crazy at this station. It was almost impossible to keep up with them, so I didn't really try but I did snap this shot of Noah and buds.

After the initial jump-frenzy wore off, I even let Anna take a few turns down the slides.

 Tug of War!

Anna enjoying the nature trail as I knew she would. :)  

At lunch, Anna and I went home.  But Noah's day continued on and he got second place in his running race.  That ribbon hangs proudly in his room now next to last year's second place ribbon. 

Only 12 more days left of school.  Can't believe it!!


Amy Faye Brown said...

1. Rebeka had her very last day of school yesterday. :(
2. That color of red is definitely Anna's color. It brings out that beautiful creaminess of her skin. Gorgeous picture of her on the nature trail.
3. Noah Brown. I can't get enough of this boy and his just plain genuine sweetness and silliness and zeal for life.
4. Yay! for some quick thinking teachers in salvaging field days!

Kimberly said...

I was thinking of you a bunch yesterday. I can't get my brain around what you must be feeling. So bittersweet. But so rewarding, too? Your girl is something special.

Emily said...

Our soccer season sounds like your tball season...a bunch of make-up games due to cancelled games. 3 or 4 games to make up on practice days....

what a bummer.

Great pictures! Just loves that little Anna with her stride on teh trail....cutie stinkin' pie.