Oct 31, 2011

A Lot of Halloween Pics!

Halloween 2011's guests of honor from the Brown family were The Little Mermaid (in her wedding gown, sigh) and Super Mario.  As soon as 5:00 rolled around, we rolled out the door.

As soon as a couple traditional Halloween shots were snapped, Noah had had enough of his sticky mustache and opted for a Mommy-made marker one instead.

So Daddy gave new life to the 'stache and we all found that very amusing.

Then, Noah was off to the races with a screeching Anna hot on his tail, "Wait for me!!"

Love this shot. :)

Getting more treats.

Then Anna fell down one of those treacherous first steps that the houses in our neighborhood are notorious for. 

Monitoring candy progress.

This shot makes me grin, grin, grin.  Look at Mario go!  Look at the eagerness in those eyes!  Conversely, Anna was very distractable from house to house, stopping to pick a flower, look at leaves, worry that her gown was touching the grass, etc. 

This picture says it all.  That little red and blue blur is my NoahMario blazing a trail!  Time's a'wastin'!

As the sun set, so did Anna's oomph.  Her highness required an escort from house to house.

Me from my trusty spot by the side of the road, manning the wagon like I do every year. :)

Anna, brokenhearted, after her orange balloon flew away.  She was not pleased with Noah's black balloon in its place.

By this time of the night, both kids were worn out and took to the drive-thru version of trick or treating as we made our way back home.

My fumblingly lovely shot of our tree as we got back home for the night.  No flash!  Just really cool effect from the street light.

Taking inventory and weeding out the peanut candies. 

Noah was so excited to answer the door for all 5 of the trick-or-treaters we got.  The only thing more amusing to him that that, was watching Daddy doctor himself with one of his own (Noah's) breathing treatments.

Every year gets more and more fun.  We walked farther and longer than ever before - about 2 hours.  And we've got candy to last til Easter to prove it!  Hoping your Halloween was happy, too!

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