Oct 13, 2011

SOS's Birthday

Tomorrow Noah's birth mother turns 23.  Though we are a little behind the eight ball, we are popping a little birthday greeting into the mail for her today anyway, as well as several recent photographs of Noah and a promise for many more come Christmas.  It's neat that he is old enough now to actually WRITE to her.  I hope she loves it.  I think she will.

Josh had to text her today to get her most current address.  She answered back, "That's so sweet :). I wish I could see him, I hope all is well and I love you guys - thank you."   Then tonight at bedtime,  Tania called so Noah could read one of his books to her. It was sweet to watch and just so neat to do for him and her.


Emily said...

I"m sure she'll love it :) Cute! Brooklyn labels all the pictures she draws too. Hilarious!

Kimberly said...

He actually doesn't label. That was my "suggestion" so she'd know what she was looking at. :) Thankfully, Noah was down with the idea.